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A member registered 63 days ago · View creator page →

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Oh this is really super. I love the concept of shadows and light area and how the control changes. Reminds me a bit like control of Gris slightly but provides more flexibility. The music also is super for this genre.

Great idea, and on the fonts too but indeed a bit too hard to read. Really like the create the new password craziness, but not sure what the vibe needs to be? Or I dont need to create a password in the end?

I really enjoyed this game. I think the concept is really super, and indeed it felt a ton of hopelessness in a very similar "light maze" setup. It was also great that the stars need to be named - created a way to differentiate plus a sense of attachment. And progress felt real as you were exploring but did not want to get lost.

I think this concept is really cool. I ;ike the graphics and how the shadows of things are used to craft things.