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A member registered Aug 14, 2022

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(1 edit)

It's a really high quality Game. Definitely looking forward to when it's more complete. Gonna re-download after two or three updates so there's enough content to really dig into.

If I had any one complaint, That Ramen quick time game is brutal on mobile lmao. Never got higher than a 2k score.

Gonna keep my fingers crossed all the really good stuff doesnt get locked behind a pay wall lmao.

Frame rate for Animated scenes absolutely drops to the point its not worth playing on android.

Gonna give it a few more updates before I give it another shot. Goodluck Dev.

Alright, For anyone smart enough to read comments before downloading.

Theres alot of unavoidable Femdom content. And the MC is the type of pussy who enjoys that stuff. 

the other content and hot characters don't really make up for that content killing any arousal you might be feeling if that content isn't your thing.

Author should of really warned people about the femdom fetish content and the fact you can't avoid it.

I really like this game, Ive played through it twice, Once when Labyrinth was the end of the content. And once when unlocking slime village was the end.

As much as I wanna see the new content, I find the thought I Grinding to get there again exhausting. I don't have the technical skills to install mods on mobile, and think Alot of people would agree a Ingame Cheat menu would raise replayability for alot of people.

Its just my thoughts, keep doing your thing bro. Its a Great game and I probably will just bite the bullet and redo my playthrough (after a few more updates so the new content is worth the grinding Lmao)

several errors encountered. I ignored a bunch just to keep the game going to see if it would be playable. It's not. Almost all the Image's don't load and its just a Black screen. Game needs some more dev work. Goodluck. I'll check on this game again in a few months to see if it's playable.

Go to the downloaded file and click(press) it. Follow the prompts and 'extract' the files. Once youve done that click(press) the Apk file and it'll download like a normal mobile game.

Payed for this game a few months ago. Was unplayable then. Is still unplayable now. If you're thinking of playing this on Android, Don't. You'll be drowned in a ocean of errors. Rollback or ignore can't fix all of them.

And no I don't have a 'bad' or old device. Anyways best of luck Dev. I'll be back in a few months to see if it's playable, Dont want my investment to go to waste lmao.

All caught up on Genex, Just fully beat part 1 of reboot love. Looking forward to playing this one.

Your spelling isn't nearly as bad as some people on this site. Plus your games are awesome. 

If you're reading this debating buying the newest version of the game, Do it. It's worth it.

One of the Best H games I've played on this site. Will definitely be keeping tabs on anything you put out in the future!

Probably the best H game on this site honestly. Great job, definitely gonna follow your profile to see what else you put out in the futurem

Get a butt load of heals and mana potions, use Invisibity when they do. Heal while invisible. Use Mana drain on them. Once theyre out of Mana its a W.

Adding npcs getting put in the stocks, Outside of the event would be great. Like make it an encounter whenever your on the stock tile.

Loved it. Hope it gets more updates

Constantly Crashes on Android. Ive played a few games on this site that crash, But this one has them all Beat. Could crash after 3mins, Could crash 15 seconds after opening the game.

Adding to my Watch out for list. Once it gets a few updates I'll Definitely check it out

Once this gets a few more updates I look forward to what this could turn into.

This is definitely one to keep a eye on. Once it gets a few more updates Ill swing back by.

Yo, Android version Crashes. Alot. Ive got a newer phone so I dont think its on my end. Anyways, Great game! Goodjob!

Yo, The Download link for android. Specifically '0.935a' is Dead.