Just wanted to say that these are really neat. Great work :-)
Recent community posts
Just a heads up, I think Amelie is slightly bugged. I've finished her quest, but whenever I speak to her in the tavern she offers me a drink and the knight wakes up the next day with her gone. So far I have tried the following:
- drinking with her with 11 END
- drinking with her with 12 STR
- drinking with her with 10 INT
- drinking with her with 11 AGI
- drinking with her with 7 STR and 7 END.
The result however remains the same. The knight fails the drinking test and Amelie is gone. I have not edited any of my savefiles, which leaves out bugs caused by unintended switches. I am also running the latest patch. Any suggestions how I may fix this?
Thank you for the bugfix. A lot of stuff that where bugged last build are fixed.
I'm here to report two more bugs with the dragon princess 1 questline.
Bug 1 - The next cutscene at arond 50 k gold where you go for a fly by, in the cutscene the game returns a missing graphics/characters/coloured-bats-char. This crashes the game.
Bug 2 - The "thank you, kind of" dialogue now seems to be looping. Every time you interact with the princess she tells you thank you and gives you a helm also triggering the cutscene even if you just got there and have invested 0 gold. Got like 5 helmets in less than 2 minutes for free.
Great work on the game so far!
Just wanted to report that there is a bug in the Dragon Princess 1 questline. After Dragon Princess 1 brings you to see the Dragon Queen and if you have around 15k worth of gold donated you get the "thank you, kind of" dialogue from Dragon Princess 1. In this dialogue the game points to a graphics/characters/tgirlprotag that is missing and the game crashes.
Second bug ive encountered is that dragon princess 2 never seens to spawn. In two sessions of around 3 hours each on two different characters both wielding the Kobolt root (the previous warm stone) drowny she never spawned to freeze the player. First playthrough was with around 12 INT and all other stats 0 and the sencond with 1 INT and all other stats higher, both had no effect. Tried 3 INT aswell.