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A member registered Oct 19, 2020

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this usually pops up when your computer doesnt "trust" downloaded games from websites like this, it should be fine for you to continue playing it

holy heck you scared me there

just got through the latest thing in the story - holy cow that ending left me wondering what's going to happen next in chapter 4 sheeeesh. Great work as always

wait, i just thought of something. wasnt APOT free for some time

heyo! how's it going? i hope you're doing well, i have an issue. I noticed that i wanted to play APOT but for some reason it doesn't show up in my purchased games even though I know for a fact I've purchased it (that game is how I discovered your work) any help is appreciated.

I just played the newest release, and I have to say that the work is some Quality stuff - I wish we could choose who to romance and who to not, but I'm pretty sure there's a reason for your choices. *spoilers* With that said I did not expect a certain person to have the same desires as the father. Once again, good work here.

one day maybe

Thanks for the Games they helped me get through my tough break up with my ex (sounds weird ik but thanks) i look forward to the next releases

also to add, it was unexpected that Moon showed up out of nowhere, which was really nice to see how pretty she was

i gotta say this one was really good! love the whole thing with bliss lol, although it did feel kindve short? I understand you have a life outside of this and are a busy person, but if they can be a little longer with each update maybe? other than that; really good, love the visuals as well!

thats good to hear thank

oh ok then; i look forward to it. thanks for the amazing content by the way, love the story - real quick - great story but will there be a SFW version of this game? one thats not sexual in anyway?

any idea of when episode two will come out? not trying to hurry you up but just curiou