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A member registered Aug 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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it is an easy mistake to make, friend.

Don't feel bad, it's all good!

I didn't mean to call anybody out, or

anything. I just thought it was funny!

this is hilarious, because the thread is very obviously old

and has not been active for six years and now some people

are posting here?...

(1 edit)

This project is not really a proper

game because there is no aim or goal,

you cannot win.

You walk about until you are bored,

then press escape to exit!

couple of minutes experience,

nice music and colors.

I hope you will enjoy the vibe

"If you have a game (any game (seriously ANY game)"


You truly need not review my project but perhaps

you will enjoy it's vibe

it has no goal or plot, you cannot

find things or win. You walk around

and when you are bored press escape

and it's over!

Listening to this Bonk Wave compilation.

One artist on this made music for my project

and then sent me this compilation and I really

like it, it's a whole mess of different electronic

This is my first Unity project.

It was a college project to create an interactive music piece in Unity.

I used FMod to place music in 3D.

Each room is color/pattern and sound coordinated


There is no aim to this game.  There is no goal.

As the player you walk a strange person around a colorful 3D maze type

space and the tunes are different wherever you are.


It's pretty simple stuff, and in places badly executed!

(kinda rushed the maze building!), but it's playable

and kinda strange fun for a couple of minutes

All shortfalls are mine alone.


It is a Windows only project

Controls are arrow keys + mouse

(spacebar to jump if you want to!)

press Esc to end the experience

HH Walk