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A member registered Dec 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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strong style! like it. vivid vibe

8 Nov 2022:  21pts








Thanks! did you reach the end?

Great voice record =) A perfect sample of AI design, level-design and a twist ending.


The sphere map is impressive! I have trouble to understand the docking system. also the movement feedback is a bit late for me. 

woohoo! So good!

an impressive start, meaningful mirror puzzle rooms and cleaver ending

the power of storytelling and emotional resonance is impressive

please keep working on it. hope to buy it on steam

love the text sound. the drawing is lovely as always. I found the story very immersive. still playig

The grass is a bit confusing. I thought I have to stick to the road for seconds. As the direction changes every time, it's really hard for me. Do you want to make this shifting control the core of game?

I like the underground controller idea! cannot read email when clicking them. cannopt drag coin either

氛围好棒呀!狗的动作也很棒!汽车很难躲避和预判, 很真实,但是我不知道该怎样躲。另外一只德牧可以互动吗?

I love the reverse idea!

The movement control feels good! And I enjoy the levels! Good job!
I wonder why the tongue control was designed as one button shoot and another button withdraw. I was imaging a simpler version: short click (shoot & withdraw); click and hold (shoot & stick); release button (withdraw). Don't know if this would work better. Perhaps you already tested a similar solution.

I enjoy this! well done!

very elegant graphic and clear level design


I like the ship control

sad story...

I prefer the family interactions more than camera puzzle in the front.

pls keep updating this 


very charming! love simple & effective visual. maybe worth to simulate exploring buttons & orientation in the dark


I love the cover! This game realy fit the tech and sound theme. good job!

I fail to active skill. nothing happen when right bottom clicked.

I found it tricky to control camera with mouse movement in web game.

maybe downloading is a better solution (?)

I love it!

