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A member registered Jan 29, 2021

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Good amount of progress has been made since the last devlog.

Several scenes have been added to the game including an overworld scene where the player can walk around Mars:

Doors have also been added which will transition the player from scene to scene.

The player can also interact with some objects including Terminals and Memos, which contain messages that are displayed on screen:

Story progression has also been getting implemented. The player starts off on their crashed ship, builds a rover, finds a colony base, explores space x crash sites, and can beat the game! A credits scene has been added:

The Main Menu has also been improved, now including a rotating Mars image:

Several craftable items have been added to the game that allow the player to progress. This includes items such as a Rover (currently non-functional), Windmill, and Communications Tower. If the player uses the Communications Tower in front of the Colony Base, they beat the game and the credits scene is displayed. The player will need to travel to different locations in order to gather the resources to craft items these items that progress the game:

If the player "Powers On" the Colony Base, the Terminal inside will display a new message saying it is scanning the area for crash sites. It then tells the player the directions of the Space X Crash sites relative to the Colony Base. This should give the player an idea of where to go next:

Lastly, the player will find Memos lying around the planet left behind from an astronaut that was in the players situation. The Memos may leave hints talking about future game locations and objectives, or it may just be the previous astronaut talking about his concerns or struggles to survive:

Other mechanics have been added to the game from my team including:

-Random generation

-Hunger/Health system

-Beginning of a farming system

Thank you for reading!!

(2 edits)

Hello! This is the first devlog of a game I have been contributing to, currently called Survive Mars! I have been working on the inventory/crafting system, and as it is beginning to come together, I wanted to share my progress.

-Can pick up items

-Items appear in inventory menu as individual sprites

-Every item has a info box that displays item names and descriptions

-Items can be selected and put into center for crafting

-Buttons appear that use other items to create new ones

-Every current possible crafting option appears relative to what items are put into the center

-Items can be dropped from inventory using the 'G' key

Additional Features!!

-Items can be removed from crafting center using the 'H' key

-If an item is crafted but there is no room left for it in the inventory, it is dropped automatically

Looking forward to polishing and adding more features!

 Thanks for reading!