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A member registered Apr 10, 2021

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Is this game on patreon being updated or is this a dead game? I wanna continue the story after the demo content.

Just finished the game, is there a secret like in dark red adventure

Is there a patreon and subscribe star i can go to? Or atleast a twitter and pixiv?

Love your art.

channel name?

So on patreon i have to pay $10 for the 0.5a demo?

Never mind found it, just read the comments below.

Is there a patreon?


is there a patreon?

I don't see a patreon link, do you have one?

Is there a patreon i can go to, i can't find the link.

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I know i typed that i wouldn't comment till the next update since i finished with all my questions and input for this and the next update but yesterday i was playing the game and i got the hidden cutscene from the landlord and how he could sense i was rich (after i gave myself a million) along with the intresting moral decision of money, self preservation and the grey line of helping others (being that i would pay for another family rent even though they can't afford it since they want to give their daughter medicine).

If i may ask was this cutscene based on your own personal expeirance with this or something else, you DON'T have to answer since this is a very personal question, this is just for curiosity sake since i heard of this situation before.

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Thank you for the help and you're time, i got the money increase to work and now i just have to go through a couple of days in game for the good church ending.

One more input before i disappear till the next update,please put an achievment system, diffrent frick positions and or foreplay, parts cheaper by at least 1k, other characters like shanice talk to the protaganist and please let them be girls so you can have veriety to frick someone other than jun like shanice (But like 1 or 2,jun is the focal point of the game after all)

Again thank you for the help and your time and i hope you're satisfied with the game you made so far it's really great.

Till the next update bye!

For the church i got the true ending and in my head every other option is either leave them alone or abandon them halfway so i'll move forward from there, if it isn't which of the five endings is it.

Also a couple comments below you said you could change the amount of money you have by going through you're save file.  I tried going through it but i used notepad instead of json program thing you mention, can you please explain again.

Thank you for you're time of answering my questions, the game is fun and i hope my input helps.

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You're welcome, also i finished the story with shanice and the church and got all five ending, is there anything else i can do with shanice after since i like her character (She is the only other human you talk to on the regular besides the landlord) will there be more of her in the future?

And after that i couldn't find any other story content besides the stuff with mom, is there more?

I checked your patreon and  you haven't said when is the next update (if there is one) can you say now or do you not know.

Either way the game is great, it still needs more content but the art is FANTASTIC, thank you for the hard work

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Im at the part of the story where you yell at mom and freak out at her for worrying over you and well it felt wrong. At anypoint of the story (Spoilers i know) do you get to make up with her and if not can you make it atleast an option in the story. It just doesn't vibe with me that you (The player action not you the creator) did that and then could frick the bot, i would be okay with playing a mini game at your job and then frick the bot a couple days later to move the story but since you can only frick the bot or go to the church to me it's not right.

By the way great update and thank you for the work since you do this for free (I know about patron but it's still an option for the people that play) and in your freetime so thankyou

Thank you for reply and again keep up the good work

So for the (more information) pop up tab the number of days for the last update is gone but i remember that it was at 51 days last time i saw it.  Has a new update of the game come out yet, iv'e been waiting for SUCH a long time (Like 2 months iv'e been at the edge of my seat) and i just can't wait.  This is a really good game so cudos to all you devolopers for making this and i hope you'll finish the game since it has a very interesting story.

By the way in the next update can you please make the sex scene's more fluid and not so static, other than that keep doing what your doing and good luck.