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A member registered Jul 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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I stuck at "Set four, level 10". Any advices? I can't solve it...

That "bumping block" is a true mindwracker, haha. Well done! Can't wait for Set five! But first... Set four, level 10, hehe.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Nah, my OCD doesn't allow me, to proceed to the next levels, lol. Having a break from it today, continuing "BrainBreak (lvl061 atm, hehe) and i'll give it a retry tomorrow.

But that level (Set four, level ten), is truly something, for nightmares, lol.

Well done, indeed! :-)

I stuck in Set four, last level. You didn't maybe remember or recorded your play, don't ya? ;-)

Awesome game! Sadly i stuck now; for over an hour yet, in "Set four, last level"... Anyone has an idea or helping hand here, please? :-)

Thanks alot, cheers!

The linked video in this description is set to "private" and can't be watched :-P. Please update it :-).


I softlocked myself... Cause the Rock ain't droppin' down, hehe:

Outstanding graphics! I rly love it! I played thru it and i rly want to see more (my first blind run on it:

I tried to check your YT channel, but your link seams to be broken?


Thanks for this nice little demo, WELL DONE!

Greetings :-).

Any plans, for german text?

Thanks :-).

Guess we have to wait for a german translation, since he already works on Part 6, lol...

How does that "Autosave"-Feature works? Tried to figure it out, but i can't find any details/infos about it, in the game...

(Note: I tried to find a contactpage on your official website, to send you guys an short E-Mail, but there is nothing, hehe)

Well, that's sad to hear. Maybe you should put a note somewhere, that this game won't get any updates/patches anymore. Ppl maybe think, this is still in dev or gets updates, since it's a fairly "new" game.

Any updates on this topic? :-)

No worries :-). I really enjoy playing it (beside that thing with the "only keyboards as controller"-thing ;-). You did a very good job, sir! ;-)

I hope i'll find some extra time in the next days, to dig deeper into the game, cause i already had alot of fun sofar, hehe. You really should try to promote this game to GOG, dude. Remember "Dicey Dungeon"? Also rocketlaunched from itch to GOG/Steam, hehe. DO IT, MAN! :-D

There is no "issue", access/navigating/using the menus :-). They seams to work, as intended. But i have to use the mouse, to click on items, instead of using the arrow-/enter-/otherkeys. Ich would love to play the game "with keyboard only" ;-). "Back then", only the rich kids had mices, haha :-P.

And that gravestone... Not noticed it, hehe. I had a pause, between to raids (EQ) and got me a copy and start to play for like 1h20m. I'll check that gravestone and give you an report, hehe.

Thanks for reading and answering :-).

(1 edit)

... two things, that bugs me are:

1) You can't access all stuff via keyboard (like equipmentmenu, ...). I would love to see the controls fully working via keyboard

2) Gameprogress will not be save (or did i miss that feature?). Since im playing it "while having a break from XYZ, i stopp playing and want to return to it later". This should be somesort of a feature

Everything else seams to be sofar working wonderul, smooth and flawless. I seriously enjoy this! (Lubuntu 20.04.x x64)

Thanks alot for this game!

Ich würde auch gerne eine kleine Spende entrichten. Gibt's hier nichts? ;)