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A member registered Jan 27, 2020

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As far as I know it is, it takes him awhile to do updates and what not, but I'm pretty sure he's still working on it. Last I heard he was working on making it compatible with Strive 1.0

That did seem to fix it, thanks.

Sorry to bother you with something that is probably trivial, I don't think this is a bug in the game, I think something happened on my end, just hoping maybe someone can help me figure it out.
I recently had to move everything over to a new hard drive, after loading the game the first time I got an error and it would freeze up when I tried to load my save file, so I backed up my saves and all my images, and reinstalled the game, then copied the save and images back into the other file. It worked fine for awhile, now when I try to save I get:

SCRIPT ERROR: _on_SavePanel_visibility_changed: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'has' in base 'Nil'.
          At: res://files/scripts/

That particular line in that file is:

if globals.savelist[i].has('date'):

that entire section is:

func _on_SavePanel_visibility_changed():
if get_node("menucontrol/menupanel/SavePanel").visible == false:
var node
var pressedsave
var moddedtext
for i in get_node("menucontrol/menupanel/SavePanel/ScrollContainer/savelist").get_children():
if i != get_node("menucontrol/menupanel/SavePanel/ScrollContainer/savelist/Button"):
var dir =
if dir.dir_exists("user://saves") == false:
var savefiles = globals.dir_contents()
for i in globals.savelist.duplicate():
if savefiles.find(i) < 0:
pressedsave = get_node("menucontrol/menupanel/SavePanel//saveline").text
for i in savefiles:
node = get_node("menucontrol/menupanel/SavePanel/ScrollContainer/savelist/Button").duplicate()
if globals.savelist.has(i):
if globals.savelist[i].has('date'):
node.set_meta("name", i)
node.connect('pressed', self, 'loadchosen', [node])

Hey, another "not sure if this has been pointed out before" in the file, for me it's line 507 and 508.

elif i == 'lumberjack'
       text += "| Affects the Chance of receiving Bonus Gold per day. [color=aqua]- " + str(clamp(person.jobskills.lumberer + (*1), 1, 50)) + "% Chance[/color] "

I get an error if anyone has any experience in that, the "person.jobskills.lumberer" should be "person.jobskills.lumberjack" maybe?

Not sure if this has been brought up or not. The slave assigned to Milk Maid gets milking experience, but not "Milk Maid" Experience.

I look forward to it. I don't think I've said it before, but I absolutely LOVE your mod. I enjoyed the base game, but your mod adds so much. The only thing I wish is that there were more preg/nude picture packs, I've only been able to find one.

I was so excited when I saw Strive for Power was updated to 1.0... then I saw what updates this mod was working on... now I don't want to start playing again till the next mod update... :: sigh ::

Sorry if this has been said before, and I know it's a little thing, and I don't have a screenshot of it. After sex it'll sometimes say "so and so manages to get on her names and knees"

I'm not expert on your intentions but I'm guessing it's meant to be "hands and knees"? A little bit of playing around found this in the scripts\ file on line 2182 (Using Notepad++)