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A member registered Nov 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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id probably use intersex, especially since you're using it for a gender select screen

(1 edit)

Hermaphrodite is the scientific term (usually used for animals) for a species like snails or certain types of geckos and fish that have both ovaries and testes. intersex refers specifically to people who were born with a non-standard set of genitals (ie has a penis but also has breasts, or has a vagina and no breasts) but its often used as a catch-all in porn for anyone with something other than "just a penis and testicles" or "just a vagina and breasts"

it would just be semantics if people hadn't started using them as slurs, but they did :/

"intersex" is the generally used/accepted word for people with both sets of equipment

i think they're referring to "futa". it was a legit japanese word that originally meant "androgynous" or "hermaphrodite" but since hentai became more widespread its meant "woman with a penis" and is generally like. a fetish-inspired slur towards intersex/trans people.

pretty sure it gives you the same result every time

i got this glitch and tried a few times to trade all my cards to fix it which seemed to make it worse