Jumpscare before v0.3.0: 😒
Jumpscare after v0.3.0: 😨
(The new jumpscare caught me very off guard and YES I KNOW IM A YEAR LATE TO THIS UPDATE DON'T QUESTION IT!!)
He would have to make a new version for phone and windows for each update.
"Why doesn't he put on mobile controls to the existing game?"
The game would probably not be optimised well for phones which would require phones to have a separate version which means that each update to the game would require him to make the same update on two separate versions.
(yeaa but other than that, maybe he should at least made 1 version for phone at the very least that is only maintained for 1 update, like for Mac.)
aactually pretend I didn't say anything because I am spending too much time writing an essay and not really putting much thought into this