Thanks for checking out the update!! ☺️
(Kev and Mack's designs were so fun to see come to light, and maaaaaaaybe one could possibly share Kev with Liv. Possibly.)
Yay!!! Oh yes, 100% agree on the need for Black queer romance, we've got some but I need more 😭
👀Crushed will be getting a sequel this summer, Loved, which will be Jacob's POV, so stay tuned, and I pinkie swear my plan is to eventually get to Keeg x Oke. They both have a special place in my heart, so I can't wait until I can finally share their story
OMG thanks for the kind words, glad you enjoyed Crushed ☺️ if I remember correctly, that song is from Louie Zong and it's called Florida (II forget which album it's from though)
As for the lock out, I'm so sorry! At the end of either bonus option, there's the two choices: "yes" takes you to the main menu and restarts the game and lets you replay it, but "no" takes you back to the main menu and lets you play the other bonus stuff if you choose!
Thank you for giving the demo a try and for the feedback ☺️I'm rocking with my BGs because they're rocking with me LOL, but I hope to have fun with the music tracks!
I also hope you'll stick around for the full game, as this demo sets up what will split into 6 different routes with LI/BIllie centric stories (so, different direction than the first game, but hopefully still fun and gives you players even more replayability 💛)
Commenting (again) for the algo, and also because y'all brought me to tears and will be billed for my emotional troubles expeditiously!!! 🤣On a more serious and grateful note, this is truly my favorite game of the year and I can't believe I almost missed out on this gem. Y'all did such a wonderful job and Poppy and the gang hold a special place in my heart.