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A member registered Apr 06, 2024

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Thank you for sharing! Hope to see the Trinity and Dark Fantasy characters soon!

If you do, that would be much appreciated! ^_^

By any chance do you take requests? I was wondering if you were planning on doing more FES SV battlers like the wizard you did on the forums. I really want to use the main hero character as a SV battler!

Btw, these look great! Thank you for these.

Okay! No problem. If you ever get stuck on what you should draw next, maybe try redrawing the RPG Maker characters in your own style? I bet a lot of people would like those!

Hello LinXueLian! I wanted to ask. Do you take requests?

Hi Coffee! I tested out the plugin and really liked it. However, I observed two bugs.

1) I noticed when escaping the battle, the UI remains on screen and blocks out parts of the "%'s party has started to escape" text box.

2) Some special skills that are placed on top have the skill description cut off at the top by the game window.

I have some suggestions for some options if you're open to them.

1) Would it be possible to move the special skills list onto the right hand side instead? So in my case there would only be 5 normal skills on the left-hand side and 5 special skills on the right-hand side, leaving the middle space empty. I tried editing it but it just removes the UI entirely lol

2) Would it be possible to automatically equip the skills as players unlock them? I plan on having a set skill pool on each character and instead of having to go through a skill equip screen, is it possible for players to unlock the skills as they level up?

3) Would it be possible to swap the "Guard" command to "Swap" (team members in waiting) instead? I plan on individualizing the Guard command for each character so if this is possible it would be amazing!

4) Since we can open the items menu, can we also swap equipment in battle? I know there's a plugin that came in with MZ but it doesn't seem to work for me with this one.

5) One UI option, would it be possible to move the player health/mp bars to the bottom instead? I'm planning on using taller battlers and the current UI settings block out most of the characters. Even if it's just showing the hp/mp/tp bar and the names at the bottom would be great!

Sorry if these seem too much, I just had some ideas that I thought might be good to share. Thanks again for the plugin!