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A member registered Mar 13, 2019

Recent community posts

is this next month or this month??

What the heck is a Lectern?

What are the Image Pack on your gumroad? 

are their just image from the VN or add on to the VN

Love the update can't wait for the next one see you in 3 months

Im guessing this update is not lars day 8

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still waiting for sfw with the mc sprite gone

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is day 8 only for patreon??

I load my save and its still day 7 for lars for me

question does Qz have a route??

why is this curse game??



I just reread Lar, Gil, and finally read parkers route and its was amazing story. I feel conflicted about this 3 routes but I want to know more about there past specially Gil and Lars. ("I feel cheated") I want to continue with the story even more now that I know that little past in parkers route. The event reveal with marks episode  was eye opening "Note: I have not seen or read Marks and Anders route (because they dont interest me that much) keep up the great work and cant wait for the next update 


I just want to know the update base for the public is it like monthly or just when the creator likes it. and for the patreon too please and thank you

Is the mc last name hunter? 

Screen rotation is annoying


where update you lied to me 

please add the text speed slider 

is there a sfw version comig out??


My god its good to see this VN back wish you could finish it <3

do you have a twitter?

Not yet


Let's just say that I became more submissive than I thought I could :)

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Does Bernard have  a sex scene or nothing yet?

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This game made me realize something and I dont know what to think about it. thanks for the game I love it keep up the good work.

Where can I find arion after I meet him on the tracks?

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I love that this game has a lvling system but white background on with text is really not a good idea  

How can a 78mb game can have so much content ?

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I am stuck on a quest called "Lost Friend" it said near the forest but I cant seems to find this guys house.

Edit: I found it

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Um I just want to ask you would kindly GIVE ME A HINT! on that riddle Im trying so hard to find clues