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A member registered Sep 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Lol, there is going to be more content in the full release of the game and you *maybe* will defeat the Beast but not gonna spoil anything. But thanks for playing the game!!

Thanks for playing!!

(3 edits)

Thanks for playing! Weirdly enough I actually got jumpscared myself when I was play testing the game, which is pretty dumb because I made it 😂. Also we’re gonna try and make it less likely you will get stuck because we got stuck on the door way and other things as well while testing out the game.

Yeah I`ll add that in the next update but thanks for playing the Game !!!

Thanks for the feedback, I`ll keep that in mind when updating the game!!!

Thanks for playing the Game! Were working on an update and its going to fix some bugs and issues, so feel free to play it again when the update comes out.

Nice job oh this game, these animations are really good and feel very juicy!! Noice

Nice job on this game, its very fun and I like the art style!!

Nice Job on this game, its very fun and hilarious!!!

cool game. I had a lot of fun playing this.

really cool game hope it makes top twenty!

Very nice game, 9/10 because I found a glitch were it has infinite death loop but it isnt noticable.