woo! glad to hear you got it working ๐
๐ฑ Hyperpoints
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Hi! Yes, I think checking off "private" would cause the problem. The way Synthona currently works is that it runs a closed server on localhost, on the local network. It does not connect to any online services or anything, the server only accepts network connections from within the same device, but it will require private network access at least to access itself.
The reason it works like this is historical in nature:
Synthona was originally written as 2 independent components, a server and a user interface. The idea was that maybe someday it would be interesting to access other servers. I had an idea that it might someday allow for P2P connections of some sort, though currently that sort of functionality is disabled. There is actually a whitelist in the code which determines which IP addresses can access synthona and by default, it only allows for connections from on the PC running synthona. Basically, it's currently a closed loop because I haven't had a chance to really dig into writing more interesting network features yet
TL;DR: I think if you allow for private network access that will fix it. the only public call that happens is to check github for a new version of synthona. so if you disallow public access, I did see a minor error on startup but I think you can ignore it. I was able to run the app with my wifi disabled after ignoring it
hi there!
i had another reply, but deleted it since it is outdated.
here is the latest:
I found a problem where a missing config value was producing an undefined variable
I have already created a fix and rebuilt the app:
https://synthona.itch.io/synthona/devlog/723097/-synthona-1294-bug-fixes thank you very much for sharing the bug report, let me know if there's any other problems!
hi everyone! i've decided to bring back the discussion board. This is not the only project I am working on, although I am planning somee all-new features for 1.3. But also, the project is still open source and so if anybody wants to talk about that or anything else please go ahead and post to your hearts content! Let me know if there's anything I can help with!