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A member registered Dec 16, 2020

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Musk didn't really do anything. He just got lucky and was already rich. I think space should be a public space, and  intrusion by private companies is unethical imo. 

Elon Musk didn't even found Tesla, he just bought the title of founder. I don't really care that he took a chance on Space X because imo it was an immoral thing to do. 

I mean what originally furthered the space race was government funding on the US side, and socialism on the USSR side. And anyone, even the government could have facilitated the inventions facilitated by Musk, he just has a bunch of money.

This is more my personal opinion, but I think the military's budget should be reduced quite a lot, and funding NASA has always been political. The introduction of profit motive into space exploration cannot be a good thing. Also, Elon Musk didn't really invent anything to do with the Teslas, and it's actually more environmentally friendly to keep your old car than it is to get a new Tesla. 

None of those are really inventions like Tesla made, I frankly think the privatization of space is a bad thing, Teslas are actually not environmentally friendly, and I think all of the space stuff could have been accomplished without him if NASA was given sufficient funding.

I don't think he's nearly as impactful. He hasn't invented that much on his own.

The point of the game is to show (in a humorous and hyperbolic way) the absolute horror that is rich people hoarding wealth. It definitely inspired some dread in me.

If this is serious, all of the issues with Jeff Bezos also exist with Elon Musk. Musk also supported a coup for lithium and got his start because his family exploited workers under apartheid. I know the image Musk has built around himself is appealing and funny, but he still is hugely harmful.