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A member registered Aug 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Ah I see, forgot to code it so it only happens when you're at the door. Don't know how I missed this lol. Thanks for the insight :) (edit: I had coded it all but forgot the one line that matters...)

(1 edit)

Awesome game! A blast to play and can't wait for what the future holds for it! While playing the demo I ran into one bug. Rolling off the moving platforms in the sky didn't make the player fall down. Instead I got stuck watching the platform move indefinitely. An option for less screenshake would also be appreciated. Other then that, fantastic work!

Thank you :)
I couldn't recreate this bug but the game definitely isn't polished. And yes maybe the player should have some more time to recover after getting hit, will remember that to my next jam.

Thank you :)
I checked out your submission and it was really fun to play! The simplistic style looked great and you got the fundamentals down of a awesome platformer. I only wished there was more levels to play!!! But with the time constraint, I understand. Fantastic work!