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A member registered Feb 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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This game is my personal favorite of the game jam. It's pleasant to listen to, if a bit repetitive, beautiful, and makes me feel very nostalgic. I used to spend hours doing "where's waldo" or those games on the back of kids magazines when I was young.

The game was interesting and fun to play, but having the tutorial directions progress with the spacebar when accidentally pressing the spacebar make you die seems like a mistake.

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Thanks for the review! The double jump you found was intentional, you can't finish the game otherwise. I tried to do something more elegant, but ran out of time.

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Sorry to all of the Mac users, your files got a little messed up and I can't re-upload until the judging period is over. I will upload the proper .app when I can though.

Thanks for the information. I will change it as soon as I can.