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A member registered Aug 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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1. Click on one of your provinces
2. Click the Upgrade Industry button


I make it all by myself

Unfortunately that's not an option

I thought it would be nice to have the ocean act as a natural defense against that


I'm not really planning a greater diplomacy 5 but if you want to be informed if it ever happens you can join the discord server


ooo very nice

although I think it would be better if you added a fullscreen option

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I'm holding them hostage so unless you join the discord server and pay me $2000 you'll never get them back /j


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Glad you like it! :D
As for your want for a downloadable version, There's an sb3 file on the discord server.


Good news! It is now available for download!

The artillery shell doesn't actually do anything in combat, it's only there to be sold


I made each button a clone to reduce the number of sprites being used, and also to reduce the length of the scripts.

This might help you:


The longer the game goes on for, the more likely countries are to declare war on you, so that's probably what's happening here.


Very impressive! :D

If you want a map only including Europe, you might like the previous version:

soon :)

Great question! tbh it's more just I'm experimenting with what I think is a cool feature or not. Most of my games aren't really planned for, I just add a feature and if I like it (or don't like it) I either add it or remove it from the next version.

For example, from greater diplomacy 1, I thought Attrition would be annoying to deal with, and terrain would be annoying to have to think about when moving troops, so I removed those.

Although, in other cases, it might just be that I simply forgot to add them, or just because I felt too lazy to implement them. The research feature in greater diplomacy 2 was amazing, and I feel like I should have implemented that in the other versions as well. I just wasn't exactly thinking about it while making the other versions. The max factories feature was also great, since it would have forced a player to have to expand outwards at a certain point, instead of just spending the entire game focused on economy.

Originally this was going to be greater diplomacy 4, but I realized this version was so different from the others I decided to just call it "hex edition" instead. It was also very difficult to work with because I was adding in so many absurd features, and I felt like it was going nowhere so I decided to just scrap the project. But I thought if I just moved onto another project, I would have wasted all that effort on nothing, so I decided to just publish this anyways (with some decoration so it doesn't look completely unfinished).

For your concern about the games not being compatible with one another, that's probably just because the games are not designed to take save files from different versions. I could *theoretically* allow people to convert save files from one game type to another, but that would require me to manually correlate every single province from one map type to another. However, for hex edition, I don't think it would work. Hex edition uses many hexes as provinces, which can be changed by the player, while the other versions use set provinces, which cannot be changed. The variability with the hexes would make it pretty much impossible to map which hexes go where on a regular greater diplomacy map.

Don't worry though, in greater diplomacy 4 (yes I am working on it) I will add the features I like back into the game. There will be research, and there will be a cap on the maximum amount of factories you have. Since greater diplomacy 4 will be using manually set tiles, I could *maybe* add a system where you can convert greater diplomacy 3 saves into greater diplomacy 4 saves. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know and I will definitely consider it!


I didn't feel like making them

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yea :)

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1. I traced over a map of the world in the costume editor

2. About like a month or so

glad you liked it :D


Congratulations!!! That must have taken a lot of time and effort to accomplish, so good job on that!

It would be really cool if you recorded one of your matches and posted it on YouTube or something :)))))

Being very passionate and having a lot of free time ought to do it

Glad you like it :)


When you get into the Red Mushroom Cave, first help the shark, and once you kill the mushrooms attacking it, abandon the shark. After talking with the Mushroom King for a little while, you will be given the option to steal their crown.


if you click the white button with arrows pointing outwards in the top right corner that will make it fullscreen

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glad you like it :)))

Very creative, I like it

encountered a sentient basketball ._.

unfortunately not, all you can really do is run