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A member registered Jan 05, 2014 · View creator page →

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Hey thanks! Not to avoid another sale, but can't you play the Steam version offline too?

(1 edit)

I didn't realize we were supposed to post here to get feedback. Well...

"Purge Persist and Profit", my 8th 7DRL success was finished last week. This year I worked with artist Jean-Marc Vaatstra (Cablenexus) and musician Sid Quinsaat to put together a rogue-like using my new-found powers of PHP / MySQL. 

This game casts you as a faceless employee of a mega-corporation whose primary concern is wiping out alien life. You're charged with making a toxic, bug-infested planet safe for the miners to come in and exploit the planet's mineral wealth. 

With each run, you earn money based on bugs killed, crystals harvested, and remains recovered (bones files!). This money can then be spent by future incarnations to increase your oxygen tanks, weapon damage, or even buy a shield. But that's not all!

The stats of all players are tracked anonymously: number of bases established, number of 5-km runs, enemy queens killed etc. , and then for various milestones of these stats, all players receive company funding! 

More players killing more bugs means more funding for everyone!

It's here on itch, and the 7drl version is also on Google Play. Cable & I are already talking about making a much more robust post-7DRL version.

OMG, I used to play games like this (text adventures!) it is awesome, and what a concept for this jam. love it.

Hey! out of you 158 people who have downloaded this game so far, could some of you please leave some comments?!


If you are still still waiting for your key, then reply to the email I sent ;)


The steam version (releasing 02/17/17) indeed has much more (and better) sound and some environmental ambience as well.

This problem has been fixed.

The problem DC Roennau continues to have is a different crash problem.

You and I have corresponded many times over email.

As far as I know, you are the only person experiencing this problem.

I've already provided you with a custom build, and I will continue to try and fix your issue.

I am sorry for your troubles, and I will do what I can to fix them.

Won't Shouldn't

Hey guys, sorry, I've just released new builds. This won't happen again.

yeah, that greenlight text is supposed to be deleted.

I really do need to put out a new batch of demos XD

Yes, some kind of high scores, definitely.

Just because I haven't changed it yet, but good point, I put it on my list.

Glad you like it, have you voted on greenlight yet?


Hey, yeah!

Sound is definitely the most important thing that hasn't been done yet.

But it will be :)

Folks can certainly come in here and make suggestions for specific sounds.


"Curse of Yendor" is now on Steam Greenlight!

Please take a minute to vote yes on Steam and leave a positive comment about the game. Those comments really help ;)

Now On Steam Greenlight!

If you already have the game, please take a minute to vote yes on Steam and leave a positive comment about the game. Those comments really help.

The Curse Of Yendor is going to Steam Greenlight soon.

Please download the latest DEMO (version 3+) and let me know what you think.

I know the sound needs work, that is one area that has been badly neglected.

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I bought this thing for the "Nautical" pack, which clearly shows fish in the preview, but there are no fish in the actual pack. :`(

I need the fish, please.

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Hi, I'm the developer, and I just want to make the first post here.

Feel free to ask questions or make comments, etc.

The Martian Frontier is made especially for the Patriots Solar System Competition.

Here is some information about what the different stations in the game do:

+ Used to grow Vegetables
+ Produce Oxygen
+ Eaten as Food
- Consume Water
- Consume Energy

+ Used to grow Algae
+ Produce Oxygen
+ Used To Make 'Meat' in Bio-Synth
- Consume Water
- Consume Energy

+ Produce Power during the day
- Get dirty in dust storms
- Have to be cleaned

+ Stores Power
- Must be repaired, consumes Parts

(Heat, Ventilation, Air Conditioning)
+ Warms your base
- Consumes Power
- Must be repaired, consumes Parts

+ Scientific research for bonus points

+ Makes 'Meat'
- Consumes Algae
- Consumes Power
- Must be repaired, consumes Parts

+ Holds your water reserves
+ Can consume power to recycle waste water
+ 'Electrolysis' consumes water and power
to produce oxygen
- Must be repaired, consumes Parts

+ When crew get tired, come here to sleep

+ When crew get hungry, come here to eat
- requires 2 Vegetables
- requires 1 'Meat'
- requires 50 Water

+ Restores crew fitness when weak
- Consumes Oxygen
- Consumes Water

+ Make Material by consuming rocks
+ Make Soil by consuming rocks
+ Make Water by consuming ice
- Consumes Power
- Must be repaired, consumes Parts

+ Make PARTS by consuming Material
(PARTS are used to repair all machines)
+ Make Solar Panels, consumes Material

+ Can be used to gather Rocks
+ Can be used to gather Ice
+ Can be used for Science (bonus points)
- Must be repaired, consuming parts

+ Used to go outside!
+ Used to clean dust from solar panels
+ Used to install new solar panels
- Consumes Oxygen

+ Produced by growing plants
+ Produced by electrolysis
- Used by all crew every second
- More is used when people move
! Run out and it's GAME OVER!

+ Produced by melting Ice
+ Produced by recycling waste water
- Consumed by plants
- Consumed during meals and exercise

+ Keeps crew from freezing to death
- Consumes Power
! Run out and it's GAME OVER!

+ Machines need Power to operate
+ Produced by Solar Cells
! Run out and the lights go out!