You need to get a well to unlock the alchemy lab. and you need to farm Giddyberries (red seeds) to get red berries/fruit
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That is one way to go, yeah. You can also scavenge the school for items.
Another way is to go to the rooftop, get defeated and start witll all your stats (and maybe items). The game is supposed to be completable within one night, and it is intended to use items. Use D4s, they make poison :P (Local joke from my boardgame group)
The other two endings you get them from doing the same things as the regular good endings, but with less Bimbo level.
BQ was amongst my first few games, and I did it in cumulative 8 hrs + art commissioned. Somehow blew up. But yeah, have learned more about proper game design since then. But thanls for the feedback
I dunno how many people are doing what I'm doing which is: Im waiting for the game to finish to give it an honest go. So you might still have some players at launch.
At the same time, I do support the idea of making a demo, especially for Steam. You are essentially forcing them to do what I am doing. PLay a bit, and savor it for the final release. Its not a bad thing by any means in my eyes, especially of you want to drive more people to Patreon (having troubles myself with that one >_> )
But Gluck with whatever option you go with.