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A member registered Jun 15, 2023

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When I try to play, the app asks me to sign in using a crypto/Web3 site. I didn't see anything in the description about this game being crypto-based, and I'd really rather not get involved with blockchain stuff. If it is, I'd rather know from the game page, rather than after I wait for a download to complete.

(1 edit)

I'm glad I played it! Was definitely worth a playthrough, though I doubt I could do another (for somewhat-related personal reasons). I <3 this, and it's got some real polish to it!

No problem! I figured you'd like to know of any issues players find. I'll try to stay up-to-date with this game, so if there's any bugs/issues, I can let you know.

(...basically an excuse for me to play it even more lmao!)

I absolutely love this game! I played for so long, I honestly forgot that it's a demo. I actually kinda like that the day doesn't end until you want it to, but I also don't think a progressive day/night cycle would take away any enjoyment.

The only issue I can find is that you can't sell the fish you catch (I thought buying the fishing rod meant more income), lack of a cooking mechanic, and not enough storage. Upgrades for those would be nice, too.

I've also encountered a problem where, if the storage lets me add multiple of an item, it deletes them. So I lost all but one of some items, not knowing there's no stacking. Not devastating, though; it didn't slow me down much.

In short, this is amazingly done! Despite some missing mechanics, I've put a lot of play time into it already, and I'm so excited for the full game!