OK. I hope that in the future Dasius can implement a "store" where we can buy things like extra lanterns and stuff like that. Thanks for your help :)
Recent community posts
Is the latest version .82 or .86? I strongly remember looking at the version number in the corner and it saying 0.0.86. Then I downloaded it with Itch.io and now the boxes don't have lids. That was such a good feature. Is there a way I can download 0.0.86??
Newfound Bug: With the slightest bump of a tree and the cart, the wheels will fall off, things inside will slip out, and the cart itself will go haywire. It just launched me into the air on top of an invisible barrier.
Crashing Bug:
I'm on the latest version 0.0.86, and I took my horse and cart with me into the mine. Unfortunately, the game crashed (thank goodness it saved my progress!) and when I re-entered the save, my horse was nowhere to be seen. I have checked the whole map. So now I can't easily haul wood or ores. And I don't want to start over because I finally started making profit.
OK Never mind. I looked up a few posts and saw "My Little Savegame Fixer. I ran that and it reset my horse and wagon for me. I'm glad it works!