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A member registered Mar 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi there! Played for a bit and got to ~D:9 and figured I'd offer some feedback. Definitely awesome work here and this game had a lot to offer, thanks for making it!

What I liked:

  • Angband style floor refreshing, though it made it pretty easy to abuse getting the best possible gear for each floor. I ended up just bouncing back and forth between the gray and green dungeon themes until i had the best gear that green had to offer (the previous floors made it obvious that there wasn't too much variance in gear).
  • Sprites. Though the static sprites were kinda hard to tell what they were supposed to be, I loved the art overall and especially loved the animation of the player sprite and torches, just a nice touch.
  • UI. Having made pico8 games myself there's a lot to handle in roguelike UI design, and I think you did about as well as you could with the inventory management parts!

What I didn't like as much :)

  • As the other poster said, the healing was rough. Please either implement a menu option that allows the player to immediately rest to full or remove passive healing entirely. Your players can and will do everything possible to optimize so fighting that battle ends up just making your players miserable. If it's EVER possible to gain a "free" advantage, your players will do that so just decide now if you want to balance your game around the idea that every room will have the player at full health or not.
  • The game length is definitely overtuned. The amount of variety/content is not enough for 16 levels with how long it takes to complete a floor. You could easily cut it in half and double the XP enemies award or something in that vein.
  • Not sure if intentional, but the ability to reroll floors on every stair made it easy to abuse equipment. Given enough time the player can get the best possible gear on the first room of every new dungeon floor.

Thanks again for the game!

What ended up being the outcome here? Had this game on my steam wishlist for a while but now I've got a chance to play it through the bundle. Based on what you've said above and things I heard a while back on the roguelike discord, it seems like a great idea to shorten the game (maybe have more levels for "extended" runs or something of that sort).

Really looking forward to trying it out!

Thanks so much for playing! That is actually an obscenely impressive score! The negative items (and sometimes stash) bug is a quirky one that would be easy to fix but I'm being strict with myself for this game jam and haven't pushed any changes since the deadline ended.

Once again I'm very proud and glad you enjoyed the game!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Stash was something I added purely because the original Drug Wars had it but I'll admit after playing my own game I also found it quite useless!

200k is the end game amount needed to see the ending, and I picked a short turn count because I wanted to err on the side of a game that's too short rather than one that overstays it's welcome :)

Very intriguing game, but there needs to be some reference either in game or on your game page for the behavior of each character. Even P1 select had it's own symbolism for movement behavior.

I managed to figure out a couple of them, but it was a bit too hard to remember them in addition to tactical positioning. Great stuff!

Figured I would return the favor! Really neat game and very impressively done with all custom libraries. Super faithful reproduction of core roguelike mechanics, though I was tricked a few times by monster names into thinking they'd have some extra effect (Acrid Ogre rusting my gear or something)!

Thanks for playing!!

Rogue Dealer

My first 7drl entry and my first game ever. Basically the game is a roguelike-themed reskin of the classic TI-83 calculator game Drug Wars.

You play the roll of our average roguelike merchant peddling average roguelike wares. However, due to the ire of a malevolent genie you have been cast into the space between roguelikes and only have 20 turns to make as much money as you can and possibly find a way to lift this curse before the genie returns to collect his money. Like all 7DRL devs there are a million things I wish I had time to do but the biggest thing would be to include encounters that damage or slow the player down. Currently the only enemy is the 20 turns you have to win.

When you have a reanimated monster such as a mosquito, the mana bar goes 3/4 of the way across the screen (presumably a divide-by-zero thing?)

Was watching a stream tonight and saw this behavior. Apparent steps to reproduce:

1.) Attempt to steal from a shopkeep, causing them to get angry
2.) Book it to the level portal and enter it
3.) Shopkeep will be your beastly ally starting on the next floor

I dont have a twitter account, so i cant message you there but i think i beat the game. Does it end after fumbling around in the dark for ages, finding another shrine and then an evil laugh? Not totally sure because it crashed for me after that

Yeah I had a similarly hard time running this one. I was actually unable to get past the start screen. Tried pip installing the requirements and installing Microsoft VS Build tools, but still wouldn't really work for me. Let me know if you can provide some install steps or help troubleshoot.

Attached is the pic of the error, looks like and encoding error likely due to missing a dependency that wouldn't install with pip. Running on Python3

Hey there! I was hoping to try this game but it doesn't launch for me on Win10. The window closes a bit too quickly to tell but it might be missing dependency. Let me know if you happen to give it a fix either here or on the Roguelike's discord so i can give this game a spin!