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Ice Key Studios

A member registered Dec 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hey just a quick fyi: we updated Maze Tycoon with several improvements (including added colliders on props!). We look forward to watching you build mazes on stream!

Thanks again for a successful Feedback Quest!

Okay I’m really digging this concept!

  • As hythrain mentions, typing letters can feel cumbersome. How different would this play out if the sequence was “arrows” instead of “letters”?
  • I would have also liked if the two rows were aligned. Currently, it’s easy to “lose your place” in the sequence if you look away from the screen.

Give it some thought. I know it can’t be too easy. It’s a neat idea as is; it just could benefit from some minor UX adjustments.

Hi and thanks for hosting this feedback jam!

We’ll definitely be adjusting the collisions of the props. It’s interesting because the benches weren’t intended to be used in that way. (perhaps that’s a “feature not bug”?)

Really glad you enjoyed that concept. I wasn’t able to catch the livestream, but certainly looking forward to watching the VOD on youtube!

Awesome! More varied features are definitely in the works.

Thanks for streaming, it’s great to see that a younger generation can enjoy this game, too!

Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately, these maps were designed around the current kart speed. A slower kart would break certain jump spots.

I also wasn’t able to download the game.

Though, I’m very intrigued by animation style (and overall humor). Really interested in seeing the full experience!

Perhaps it’s due to my unfamiliarity with the RPG genre, but I couldn’t figure out what to do with the rope coil. Consider adding more hints/tutorial during the first few minutes?

Regardless, it seems like an impressive start to something ambitious.

Appreciate the support! Yeah FOV was one of those things where I just got used it being so high, so it’s super helpful to have other users take a look.

Anyway, stay tuned for an update which should address your concerns!

Good catch! We’ll definitely make sure to add borders.

WOW you’re fast! Yeah, we’re gonna definitely look into adjusting the feel of the movement.

Thanks for playing!

Glad to hear that you enjoyed playing!

These are some great usability suggestions! I’ll definitely keep this all in mind when adjusting the movement/level editor.

The Rollercoaster Tycoon games definitely inspired this project!

I hear you about the FOV; there’s definitely going to be a setting for that in the future. Thanks for the feedback!

Glad you enjoyed the overall vibe!

Thanks for pointing out the FOV issues. We’ll definitely make sure to add an options menu in the future.

Thanks for playing!

Let us know what changes you would like to see!

Maple Ranch

A maze by Ice Key Studios


{"version":"0.1.0-pre.1","title":"Maple Ranch","author":"","map":"default","maze":{"walls":[{"position":"(-1, 0, 1)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-2, 0, 1)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-3, 0, 1)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-4, 0, 1)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-2, 0, -2)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-2, 0, -1)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-5, 0, 1)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-7, 0, 1)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-9, 0, -2)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-4, 0, -1)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-2, 0, -3)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-2, 0, -4)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-3, 0, -4)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-4, 0, -4)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-5, 0, -4)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-6, 0, -4)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-7, 0, -4)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-4, 0, -2)","type":"HEDGE_SOLID"},{"position":"(-5, 0, 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0, 1)"},{"from":"(-8, 0, 1)","to":"(-8, 0, 0)"},{"from":"(-8, 0, 0)","to":"(-7, 0, 0)"},{"from":"(-5, 0, -2)","to":"(-5, 0, -1)"},{"from":"(-5, 0, -1)","to":"(-6, 0, -1)"},{"from":"(-4, 0, 2)","to":"(-4, 0, 3)"},{"from":"(-4, 0, 3)","to":"(-5, 0, 3)"},{"from":"(-5, 0, 3)","to":"(-6, 0, 3)"},{"from":"(-6, 0, 3)","to":"(-6, 0, 2)"},{"from":"(-2, 0, -2)","to":"(-2, 0, -3)"},{"from":"(-2, 0, -3)","to":"(-3, 0, -3)"},{"from":"(-8, 0, -2)","to":"(-8, 0, -3)"},{"from":"(-8, 0, -3)","to":"(-7, 0, -3)"},{"from":"(-9, 0, 2)","to":"(-9, 0, 3)"},{"from":"(-9, 0, 3)","to":"(-8, 0, 3)"},{"from":"(-4, 0, 8)","to":"(-4, 0, 7)"},{"from":"(-4, 0, 7)","to":"(-4, 0, 6)"},{"from":"(-2, 0, 4)","to":"(-1, 0, 4)"},{"from":"(0, 0, 3)","to":"(0, 0, 2)"},{"from":"(-4, 0, 8)","to":"(-3, 0, 8)"},{"from":"(-3, 0, 8)","to":"(-2, 0, 8)"},{"from":"(-2, 0, 7)","to":"(-1, 0, 7)"},{"from":"(-1, 0, 6)","to":"(-1, 0, 5)"},{"from":"(-1, 0, 5)","to":"(0, 0, 5)"},{"from":"(6, 0, 0)","to":"(6, 0, 1)"},{"from":"(6, 0, 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-6)","rotation":"(1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(3, 0, -6)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"LAMP","position":"(3, 0, -3)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"LAMP","position":"(-2, 0, -3)","rotation":"(1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BIN","position":"(3, 0, -5)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BIN","position":"(-2, 0, -5)","rotation":"(1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"LAMP","position":"(3, 0, -7)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"LAMP","position":"(-2, 0, -7)","rotation":"(1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(3, 0, -8)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(-2, 0, -8)","rotation":"(1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"TREE","position":"(-15, -2, 6)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE","position":"(1, -2, 9)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE_PALM","position":"(-20, -2, -5)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE_PALM","position":"(-19, -2, -7)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE_PALM","position":"(-19, -2, 9)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE_PALM","position":"(-20, -2, 11)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TELEPHONE_POLE","position":"(-1, -2, 5)","rotation":"(0, 0, -1, 1)"},{"type":"TELEPHONE_POLE","position":"(-1, -2, 10)","rotation":"(0, 0, -1, 1)"},{"type":"TELEPHONE_POLE","position":"(-1, -2, 16)","rotation":"(0, 0, -1, 1)"},{"type":"LAMP","position":"(-15, -1, 2)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BIN","position":"(-9, 0, -2)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(-9, 0, 5)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(-9, 0, 4)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(-16, 0, 0)","rotation":"(1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(-11, 0, -3)","rotation":"(0, 0, -1, 1)"},{"type":"BALE_LARGE","position":"(-16, -1, 9)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BALE_LARGE","position":"(-12, -1, -2)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"WINDMILL","position":"(-7, 0, 6)","rotation":"(1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"TREE","position":"(8, -2, 0)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE","position":"(8, -2, 5)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(8, 0, 1)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(8, 0, 4)","rotation":"(0, 0, -1, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(8, 0, 6)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(7, 0, 0)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(7, 0, 5)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(9, 0, 5)","rotation":"(1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(9, 0, 0)","rotation":"(1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BENCH","position":"(8, 0, -1)","rotation":"(0, 0, -1, 1)"},{"type":"BIN","position":"(11, 0, -2)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"BIN","position":"(11, 0, 7)","rotation":"(0, 0, -1, 1)"},{"type":"BIN","position":"(7, 0, 7)","rotation":"(0, 0, -1, 1)"},{"type":"BIN","position":"(7, 0, -2)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"BALE","position":"(11, 0, 0)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BALE","position":"(11, 0, 1)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BALE","position":"(11, 0, 5)","rotation":"(-1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"LAMP","position":"(4, -1, -2)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"LAMP","position":"(4, -1, 7)","rotation":"(0, 0, -1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE_DEAD","position":"(6, -2, 12)","rotation":"(0, 0, -1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE_DEAD","position":"(5, -2, 22)","rotation":"(0, 0, -1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE_DEAD","position":"(12, -2, 14)","rotation":"(0, 0, -1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE_DEAD","position":"(17, -2, 1)","rotation":"(0, 0, -1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE","position":"(16, -2, 4)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE","position":"(19, -2, 8)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE","position":"(9, -2, 14)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE","position":"(14, -2, 21)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE","position":"(-10, -2, 24)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE","position":"(-16, -2, 21)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE_PALM","position":"(5, -2, -6)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE_PALM","position":"(8, -2, -6)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"TREE_PALM","position":"(11, -2, -6)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"},{"type":"BALE_LARGE","position":"(1, -1, 2)","rotation":"(1, 0, 0, 1)"},{"type":"BALE","position":"(0, 0, 2)","rotation":"(0, 0, 1, 1)"}]}}

Show off your Maze Tycoon creations here!

To upload a maze, open a Mazefile with a text editor. Copy and paste the contents into a post.

To download someone else’s maze, copy and paste the contents into a text file. For example, maze.json. Now, just open this file in Maze Tycoon.

Thanks for the thorough review! It’s good to know all the effort we put into designing this project came across well in the final product.

I usually don’t think to write devlogs, but you’ve inspired me to start one for this jam. Keep an eye out for it real soon!

And of course: congratulations on 1st place!

This would be neat with local multiplayer support. 4-player Candy Chaos would be, well, chaos! Soundtrack was cool, too.

Nice per-vertex lighting from the car headlights.

It takes some learning, but once you master “Z target” and upgrading, this becomes a really addicting game.

Also, do I hear the same synthesizer used in super mario 64?

Props to this project’s artists. The graphics were spot on!

Nice smeary textures and floating/billboarding potion sprite

I wasn’t totally clear on what the objective was, but cool concept nonetheless.

We’re using LootLocker with the unity sdk.

The free tier gives you up to 1,000 users (enough for a game jam project)

Thanks! Yeah if we had more time, we would’ve liked to explain some of the game mechanics more clearly. Glad you still enjoyed it, though!

Thanks! You’re super close, you got this!


scooped mids

Hey thanks for hosting these awesome N64-themed jams!

Quick question: is it cool if we submit a project to your jam and another jam? (The other jam is specifically for music/composition)

Thank you! I enjoyed coming up with the character designs, so I’m really glad you enjoyed seeing ’em!

Thank you! Actually the circle behind the counter gives a indication of the team’s scores, but many users mistake this as part of the timer.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback and glad you appreciate the game!

Surprisingly entertaining gameplay! It’s especially impressive how much gameplay you were able to get from a one-button control scheme. Any plans for new level DLC?

The game design in this is impeccable. Great work!

It makes for a great, simplistic yet wholesome co-op experience. Thanks for sharing!

Also here are the parameters for the theremin:

Theremin magic all happens within the VIBRATO settings.

(1 edit)

Thanks, and glad somebody appreciated the visualizer!

Most of the synthesizers you hear are from Sound Canvas. It’s a quick and easy way to get great sounding tracks.

I’ll definitely check out Reverse Crusade next!

We turned in a roguelite bullet hell: https://itch.io/jam/bullet-hell-jam-2023/rate/2059159

Thank you. We’re surprised that players are finding it easy. Nonetheless, glad you still enjoyed it.

Thanks for playing!

There’s a known glitch that sometimes causes the game to crash when in between levels, but otherwise it gets progressively harder the more floors you clear.

We’ve discovered that turning ambient occlusion ON actually fixes the darkness issue.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback! And no: it’s an endless (until you lose).

Yes we would have liked to spend more time tuning the gameplay, but glad you liked it anyway.