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A member registered Jul 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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I can imagine this with a bird skeleton twitter logo and one of the users having blood all over their page.

(1 edit)

When the speed goes negative fun things happen to the counter. :D

Me and the boys vs Furry

Sorry if my initial reply made it seem like I thought you where hating, I actually thought it was interesting to see a very similar project from a year ago. Seeing how there isn't a mention of Holiday Rush 64 on Blizzard Blowout's page it's very possible that this game was created without the author knowing it's already been done.

The first Microsoft that is open source!

If a copy is better than the original wouldn't that make it more of a inspiration?

Is the movement supposed to be that fast? I feel as if everything is heavily sped up. I do like the UI upgrade tho and I think this would fit greatly with rusty's sprites.

pee pee poo poo

Oh goodie! A Linux Build!... Wait, how do I launch it?

Tried this with wine, great game!

Cool game, but it would be better if you could split the keyboard to make it easier to set up.

Pov: you wished that this existed in real life.

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I wasn't expecting it to be this hard. But still fun!

I will give this game an all of the above/10