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A member registered Sep 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your reply!
It it really helpful and I haven't use the Line2D node before (I am really a godot beginner hahaha)
After your reply, I did some researchs and I noticed that its really a good node!
Anyway, I am really appreciate that you could give me your advice.
Have a nice day!


Yes I saw this game in 190 jam last week...


Nice game. It looks so cute when the sheep is vibrated haha.

Haha thanks so much!

Yes when I get this theme, I just think I could do something like this, but because of time I can achieve function in the game.

To be honest, the sound is so peace hahaha I feel like I'm on holiday :
The visual is great and I like this game. Well done!

Yes I should do those feedback but don't have time :(

I guess you perfer see my score, so here it is:

Gameplay 4/5 : This is fun for me, especially by shuttling to keep attracting the enemy

Visuals 4/5 : Personally I really like the pixel art. I have to see the color is really good for your concept.

Audio 4/5 : It is enough for me. Good sound effect when you do the different movement.

Enjoy 3/5 : A bit simple for me :)

Theme : 4/5 - At least, the waiting is always in isolated situation, right?

Yeah because I am a new godoter and I still need to learn a lot of basic things.
This time I spend much time on how to achieve the function, so can't make this game better, but still think you for playing it!

I gave my highest score to this game in this jam.
I really like your style (Especially the start page) and I have also played your previous work!
Well done!

Thanks so much for playing my game! :D

It was okay because I was prepared for it. But I'm really scared to play horror games haha

Really great job! simple and fun!
Maybe the color could be more bright? 

Because I spent a lot of time for fixing some weird bugs, I have no time to do more work. :(
But I am so glad you like it.

The atmosphere was very good. Because I read the reviews in advance so I was scared that something scary would appear suddenly :.(

Thanks for playing :D

I really like the visual effect and also the music is great. Well done!

Hi man,

I really like your all published cute games. I am a new godoter :D and want to ask some questions, please teach me how to do this!

1. The line could change the length and angle randomly, how could I achieve this visual effect? 

2. In your another game, it has "jump" but top down view, did you use 3D or just 2D? If the scene is 2D, how could you achieve the jump function?

Thanks so much for your help.

Your games are all fun. Thanks for your work. :D

Thanks for letting me know :D
I think you are right, every participant should treat this event fairly so that we all have a better experience together.

Haha Thanks for your score.
Yes when I tried to add a background music, I can not find a suitable music for this game, so I didn't add the music finally.

Thanks for playing!
(It is interesting that I have no idea how to check it is obvious or not) :D

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing!

Hahaha next time I should do a short tutorial for explanation.
I am so happy you like it.

Yes many friends said that it's not easy to figure out. I should update it after rating. :D
Thanks for your reply.

I really want to add some music but no time :(
Thanks for playing!

Ah I'll send you a difference when the rating finished. :D
It's really hard to find, but I don't have time to make it more obvious.

Thanks for playing. Yes I agree with you, it will be better if I could give a clear tutorial and some music, really because I am already run out of time. :(

Sorry for multiple comments... My browser is broken...

Great game and I can see a lot of potential for improvement in this game.

The art style is so cute and the I like this little blue guy.

It is a very good game. Overall moving by recoil is a good idea and it would be more challenging to add some enemies that move in the medium or top.

When you first shoot at the square, he has a small knockback effect, and I really like the design details.

Really nice try and it is a bit hard for me.
Want to know could you pass all levels or not haha :D

Really great work! The one of best game control mechanics in this jam I have played.

The art is clean and beautiful! The multiple choices are great!
Well done!

Thanks for playing the game :D

Great work! The enemy is keep coming and I can shoot them all together haha!