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A member registered Jan 22, 2020

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1) atlas

2) atlas and Madhouse mike

3) atlas

Ray, do I need to say more? But apart from the tease on the what I thought to be where the fun begins ended up a to be continued on his route I really enjoyed the game can't wait for future updates.

I think you gave me my first video game male crush....

Loving it been playing version 3.0.7 or close to it just played this version cant wait to see what in store which we could see konvl (think I spellt it wrong) more as he cute and can't wait to see that body if his., if you know what I mean.

Same with player friend too I can't wait to see what's to come.

After Mike there really isn't much to do its still a demo if you leave you can go to the beach for another sex scene but there not that much as if now.

I would agree with this as something I'd like to do in game as well

So I had the do the dinosaur version way before this... so basically I have to re-buy the game?

Are you dressed need the main outfit to leave other outfit is a no go

Hey loving the game so far just wondering I seen that there 5 nsfw scenes and I would like to know who they are (I'm hoping that the blue jay one) I do have a small issue about the saving as its a bit unfare you can only do it at home but that's not much of a bother apart from forgetting to save XD 

anyway loving it and I'm already starting my own story's with my  character instead I mean persona not the skript persona you made kind of thing (which really is the same but I chose to act it out how I wish for fun I do this a lot with games I love)

i understand your pain i been in collage for almost 5 years 3 of them in games development and i now hoe frustrating it is to have to fix 20 bugs for then someone to fine another one then fixing that causes more to show etc. 

but thanks for the reply and i hope that you fix the issues take care.

Hey I'm using a Hudl (I know not well known) and I'm not shore why buy every time I want to go back to the old fields I think it seems to crash is it just me or is it not been developed yet but apart from that I'm loving it (also I think it's because of my Hudl as it can get very laggy some times)

Love the game can't wait for the next added parts

cool nice to hear fro you shame about your job but we gotta live somehow am i right shame you don't have FB but never mind just look after ya'self and that and if you need me just give me a message here ill replay as soon as, also ill be a little more pationt now that i know you work XD must be vital if you still need to work.

hay nice work on the game like the others i can't wait for the update to come next, i love the characters and the fact you the player have the choice over everything even if things go really badly but to be honest i hope that the character you play as doesn't change who he is now, be awesome to chose that as you FINAL choice become the prick you once was or keep how you are now and become the clean slate... with a thing for dragons i guess XD (though i can't talk i have a thing for dragons too) but even if that's not the end ill still love it it's just..... WOW for all i can say...

hay ignore  that last one if you like but just wan't to ask how you doing as with this virus thing i bet you have a lot of free time, but i just wanted to say hi and that your still doing a wonderful job

good to hear and to be honest i was hoping you'd reply i don't get many people who reed the same page i see, and yeah once i finish the semester for college ill make my game as a little protect until i can get into H.N.D or university you'll be the fist to know as tbh you the only one who i trust (in some way all my other friends aren't furs and find it a bit weird but they don't mind me as a fur but games there not keen on)

finally it's make me smile knowing that your happy with (not just mine) my support and to be honest like i said i kept look on here for your reply as idk i guess this "being stuck at home" getting a bit lonely (even with my parents) as it get quite boring anyway (also seen that i keep saying anyways and using brackets a lot) i hope you week has been great and maybe well talk again some time hell if you like a more live chat i'm on F.B messenger or any other thing you use ( i do have twitter but i don't look at that like at all)


you should of made it so you can use the space bar instead of the mouse but still i found this funny

I feel your pain as atm i'm working on a open world Visual novel and you can tell by that alone that it's going to be a lot of work and im always having 101 ideas to add to it but not really having the time to think how could this effect the story etc

anyways i'm always ready for anything and to tell you if lets say you give me something you really like (e.g. fave band or movie) and gove me an genre ill come up with an concept idea for a game in about half and hour

but anyway again nice work with this one of the couple visual novel fur games i come across that i really enjoy so keep up the good work as to be honist i wish i could have the art skill you got XD it's the only thing that lets me down i draw like im 10 (and before you say anything though my dream job is a game designer I want to be more of the ideas man behind it all creating the story characters backstory etc)

...i just noticed how much i'm talking about myself here XD ill stop now good luck and just know that i support you on this (emotionally i'm too poor to give you money sorry ;_;) so all you can do is your best so go for it and never stop

also one more thing if you need any ideas give me a holler as an up coming games developer (i'm nearing the end of college) i can always come up with stuff (and to tell you the truth i'm imaging a alternative universe with m character in it XD tbh i can't stop think on it and if you like to know a little about it i don't mind telling you)

don't need to rush though it mite be because i was using the web browser version which was doing it i have downloaded it but i just carried on with the web version since i made it nearly to the end,  anyway apart  from that i'm really happy with it can't wait to see what's in store for the next part.

also will in the next part will there be more date with the cast (even if you done there romance) i'd love to see more scenes of Scylez best guy t be with (and in many ways to relate to maybe why i like him so much)

yo this is a brilliant game  and love the game just got one question i romanced draptor boi Scylez (i mean one the second date the NSFW option) why does it repeat the day after "the scene" its the only thing i'm confused about why doon't it continue after?

still a lovely game also Scylez is my fave btw