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A member registered Aug 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Still going strong

(1 edit)

I just installed it and tried it, it's still "playable", I understand that the game is lacking in so many fronts, don't forget that this is not even a demo, its just a prototype, even tho Its been a while since I updated anything, I'm still working on it to this day, so just keep this game in your radar, hopefully soon you'll hear more about it.

And if possible can you please share what issue you encountered, there might be a simple fix to it, if not, then it should be fixed in the new version, and thanks for giving the game a try.

Oh boy! This is a chunky comment, Thank you so much for giving the game a try and sharing your feedback and thoughts about it, I really appreciate these kind of comments the most.

Currently the game is quite different, both visually and gameplay wise, in short: everything is better with some additional major features.

I have mostly solved every Issue concerning the player movement and controls, the rest is just scheduled to be solved later on because as you already know other stuff takes priority.

For the space battle part: It was the least focused in the prototype, and because I did not provide any guide or tutorial on that part, I understand that the controls are not that intuitive.

Please know that the game is still in development and a demo for it is planed for release, its going to take a while but if you really want to be there when it resurface, please follow us on itch or on the other social medias provided on this page.

And again thank you so much for the encouragement!

Just install and use 7-zip instead, this should do the trick. don't forget to install the 32-bit version if you have a 32-bit system.

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Glad you liked it, The game is still in development and not stopping, the ftl part is weak in this prototype but its there, you got your spaceship battles and events occurring, not the whole ftl experience but its a start, the game is far from being finished, there is a lot added and a lot more to develop.

Thank you. What do you mean by "action delay", id like to know, maybe I'm missing something.

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Thank you, for the auto aim I'm considering it to be a feature on some weapons but not all of them, because you will find some weapons are better aimed at walls to have the projectiles bounce to hit the same target multiple times than directly aim at the enemy, thank you for the feedback ill focus more on providing better controls for the mobile platforms.

Don't worry, I'm aware of this, I'm planing so much for this game, just check the Game Showcase PDF file to get a glimpse of what I'm planing, there is a lot i did not state to avoid over promising, my goal is to make something new that I enjoy playing.

i will definitely release it on macOS later on, the goal is to release the game on as many platforms as possible.

Pose toi la question, pourquoi tu veux publier un jeu incomplet ? pour voir si les gens sont intéressé par ton idée ? pour avoir l’opinion des autres sur ce que tu peut améliorer ? ou bien tu veux monétiser le développent de ton projet ? … etc.

Pour moi, du moment que ce seul niveau est asser intéressant avec une durée de jouabilité supérieure a 5min cela fait l’affaire.

Enfin je ne suis pas un expert, je viens juste de publier mon premier jeux (qui est incomplet).

The controls will be fully reworked don't worry ;)

Le moteur de jeux avec Unreal Engine 4, en ce qui concerne la création des tuiles des divers niveaux, j'ai utilisé pyxeledit, et tout ce qui est design avec Photoshop, merci d'avoir essayé le jeu et merci pour le compliment ^_^

Thank you for trying out the game, and thank you for the feedback ! :D

Thank you so much for the video! even tho the game is far from being completed you did a good job presenting it :D , for the movement, that's on my priority list for the next update.

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thank you for giving it a try, my main focus after i do some code cleaning will be on movement aspects of the game, the controls, movement abilities like dashes, crouches, climbing and many more, please keep an eye on the game development on twitter @ichidown and thank you so much for the feed back !

This is a game that i am developing called One Last Planet, it is a combination of both Faster Than Light and Risk of Rain with a little twist (procedural weapons and enemies generation), check it out from this Link and leave your thoughts about it, it will help me greatly.

The game is still in prototyping phase so this is my chance to get feedback and know what work and what don't in my game so i can improve it, please check it out and leave your impressions and thoughts about it, it will help me greatly, i am willing to accept all criticism, so don't hesitate and just just hit me!