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A member registered Apr 16, 2020

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I like they both but i felt guilty to take their route (i might not play their route when it will release because of guilt lol)

[maybe spoiler alert]

Yeah, Leo still had chance to recover tho from his depression, but he might will never be with Chase again. Still sad but... well this game don't want you to be happy - Echo curse.

For Flynn's route, i think it's the real route, because if Flynn didn't became the monster, then they will never saw any monster in the first place, but the possesion still likely be there - again, Echo curse, that what i called it. If Flynn still had control to his emotion, he would likely be a good monster, but seeing what happened and where the monster appear, i think Flynn still cared to them but he did wrong things, instead of helping them it make more mistakes. Like how he appeared when Jenna's parent is arguing.

I'm sad, but i think there is no way to escape the curse in this game and the prequel, i hope the sequel will have good ending or i might cry lol (jk). If it's not then it will be complete loop, until nobody lives there again (which mean, dead, or if they hop into the train [maybe it was the only way to escape from Echo])

Anyway thanks for discussing this, now i understand more than before.

(1 edit)

[may contain spoiler]

Thank you! Yeah i'm confused really much until the points there are too many questions in my head. Now i understand how Flynn dies and what happened afterwards. Is Flynn becoming the socket monster that is haunting them? So the socket monster has ability to travel through time? Who is the kid in front of the wardrobe where Flynn's monster is?

Well yes, Leo's good ending is where everyone is safe (But i feel sad tho, he ends up depressed, well he was obsessed to Chase and that is a no-no but it was tragic to see that.) But someone said the Chase Leo loved is not real Chase? I heard that the real Chase isn't gay and isn't the Chase Leo loved. 

I haven't played Carl's and Jenna's route (i will later, i just finished Flynn's route and one route already take so much time)

I think Flynn's route is the route with most story explained, but still a bad ending. TJ's route... it's obvious it's the worst ending.

I heard Arches will adapt from Flynn's route, does that mean that Flynn is died in Arches? Sad to hear that though. Do you think the curse will ever end? I think it's going to be a loop forever if it's like that.

(1 edit)

[ASKING - maybe spoiler alert]

So far i have completed these routes and this is what i remembered

Leo's route best scenario - I believed this is the neutral ending and the most "logical" ending i've played. Leo stayed in Echo, while everybody went out, i think that's what happened?

Flynn's route - I still can't understand this, can anyone explain it better. I have played and see the ending when Flynn become a monster. Is the shadow Chase in the car is when Chase possesion broke? Is the Chase Duke's saw is shadow Chase? And is the Chase all along the story is the real Chase? If it's not, then how is the real chase? And what happened to Flynn? Why he died and become monster? He was with Carl and Dax right? Also is the Chase in the end of route (5 years later after it happened), is the real Chase? And what happened to the others afterward? "To be continued...", does that mean that story hasn't been finished yet? Or it is for a new story?

TJ's route - I forgot a bit about this route. What i remembered is that Chase and TJ are the one who playing a role in Sydney's dead. Who killed Sydney? And what happened afterwards this route? Is TJ in his route is the real him? Is Chase in this route is shadow Chase? I need more explanation...

And then, the most "logical" ending is in the Leo's route? This game doesn't have "good" ending at all? I'm confused but the story is... really well-written.

Or anyone has written the story conclusion somewhere?

I believed it's not because of the windows, apparently i happened most in windows 7, but i saw someone has this issue in win 10 x64 from another game. And to try again, i download a game which was just updated yesterday, it was made with Ren'py Engine v7.4.3.1414. And it finally works, i guess the engine update fixed the issue.

*Also sorry for misinformation, majority of the game crashed is the game that was updated in February, not February&March.

May i know if this game used the updated engine? If you can, i will be really grateful if you try to update the engine to v7.4.3.1414. I will try to run the game again. Thank you.

My PC only able to use Windows 7 because it lack of Windows 10 driver, not to mention that i already tried to upgrade to windows 10, but what i get is chaotic lag.

Thanks :D

I tried another ren'py games which was updated around February - March, and yes, every single of them crashed in my notebook. Homever i still can play the games from the older version. I hope someone found the fix for this issue, anyway, thanks for noticing this issue (although i believed it's the engine fault)

I can't seem to run the game. It just crashed. I never experienced this before in another ren'py games. I believed it isn't Windows compatibility issues (I ran Windows 7, but some Windows 10 games still ran in my notebook.) I think it's an issue with the engine. This is the log:

I saw another person had the same issues from different game, i can't seem to find the fix but they said it's an issue from newest ren'py engine. I posted this to hope if someone figured the fix

This VN is really great, the one that really make me wanted to cry so hard ;-;

[Below from here contains spoiler, read ir at your own risk]

It's really sad tho to see that most of the ending is bad (i just played TJ's route, Leo's route, and now on the way Flynn's route).

I think i have some of unanswered question. Like, is it really Sydney that wrote the whole Treasure Hunting thing? Yeah it's almost impossible, and i really think that someone made it. Also i think this only happened in TJ's route (or did it happened again in another route?). And in TJ's route, Carl was found with the paper of treasure hunting. In Leo's route, Carl wasn't found with the paper, that means they was never found the real killer? (In TJ's route, it was said that TJ killed Sydney). I need to play all the route to figure it out

Also, the game really freakin' me out because the first route i selected was a bad end. In the TJ's route, Chase is obsessed. In the Leo's route, Leo is obsessed.

Is there really no true end? Only Leo's route when Chase ended with Kudzu has a screen said "The End" is it supposed to be true ending? (or atleast that is the event that most supposedly to be happened?)

Yeah after Flynn's route, i'm going to check Jenna's and Carl's. Hope to get the answer to my unanswered question.

Overall really great VN, i really thought that there were good ending, but maybe not