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A member registered Jan 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Really cool game. I liked the mysterious/dark/ strange nature of the game (the dead bodies, creepy sound effects, etc.). 

Can't wait to play again once the bugs are ironed out. 

Really nice, I really like the sound effects. I managed to hit two bats with one stick through, I'm not sure if that was an intentional feature but it was cool

cute art for the characters. One critique is that it wasn't clear at first if the stick damaged the bats since they take a second after being hit to start fading away. If they started to fade away instantly then that would improve the feedback to the player.

Overall really nice job on this game

Wow, thank you!

I'm glad you liked the game. For now it's basically just a prototype but hopefully we can build upon what we have and make a full (but probably short) game 

Thank you! We just updated the game today, so check that out if you like :D
Thanks for playing and commenting

i liked it, i wonder if I am missing something for level 7 or maybe that is just where the game ends.

Anyway good job, very rage-game like