no cheese for you.
Hey, thanks for the feedback! And... 3 hours?? damn! You spent so much time in this demo, we didnt expect that! Anyways, thanks for the feedback, we are happy to see that you were interested in this little stupid project so much that you played for 3 whole hours... im still trying to process the idea of playing it for 3 hours straight, lol, honestly i would lose my mind, props to you, buddy!
The game is called Aztec Mayhem. In it, you're a little guy named Goober. Goober is a little silly slime that somehow got inside the temple of a aztec god that was considered deceased many years ago, and who was the aztec god? Quetzacoatl. The slime somehow got to talk with Quetzacoatl, who was for some reason stuck in a statue of himself. Quetzacoatl then started to explain why he was trapped in that statue of himself. One day, he was chilling at his temple when he was attacked by some other lesser-known gods. They managed to beat him and trap him inside of that statue, and took his powers too! Quetzacoatl now needs help beating the crap out of every single god who took his powers, and he is counting on you to do this for him!
The game is extremely chaotic, it isnt made to be easy or coherent, just pure chaos. If you like chaotic stuff, then you should probably seek medical help, but you should play this game too! The demo is already out, and we plan releasing more and more every year, so stay tuned!
Game link, and thanks!