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A member registered Oct 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Grey zombies have a special animation for when they grab Annie. After it happens once, let it fuck her again and again until you get a game over screen, this should unlock all of them

Is it even possible to do this in mobile??

I'm pretty sure you just have to stay there and wait for more of them to spawn

Are you on mobile? If so, the new updates have not been ported yet, LAGS is currently working on that

You mean on android? It's not available yet, LAGS is currently porting it to android, so it should release soon. Juat be patient

Nope, he said he will continue to work on LSG after this current version of HTA is available on android.

What does the description of that acheivement say?

For level 3, rescue the missing girl at level 8 (i think). Level 4 has not been added yet

Actually that was fake, it's coming in 2069, confirmed by LAGS on an Omegle stream

A secret path. Look to where the statue is pointing and you will find it

Damn, that would be like NNN outside of november LMAO

Why can't i purchase the game via

Great! Right as i'm on break from studies too

I wouldn't say a few days, more like a few weeks perhaps, but probably no later than july

You just have to update the game. If you purchased it, you should be able to download it from your profile

LAGS said he will port it to android after Hailey's 19th level is released. Please be patient

He removed it for 0.7 because there were some problems with it. It will be back in the upcoming update.

The 4th level hasn't been added yet.

That was a while ago. LAGS then said he will release the android version after Hailey's level 19 is added.

No, LAGS said it will be out after Haileys' 19th level is done

(1 edit)

Good to know! Really looking forward to playing HTA again and also seeing new content on this game. By the way, how have you been doing health wise? I remember you saw a doctor some time ago and had a slight health issue, right? Have you recovered from it?

Edit: grammar

So wait, we will have to wait until the updates are complete in this game AND HTA before we get HTA's mobile update, or will you change plans and make it sooner?

It doesn't really matter to me personally since i'm very patient with these things but A LOT of people would be very mad..

It's not added yet

Como assim liberar? O nível é liberado quando vc completa o anterior, não?

There is no jellyfish enemy right now, but LAGS said it is planned

That's too optimistic. I would say around december this year to january 2025 is more likely, considering how long updates have been taking and LAGS' current health state

You have to find the missing girls in levels 3, 8, 13 and 15

0.7 for windows, 0.6.3 for android and others

It's gonna be released for android after the full version is complete for windows

My man, PLEASE take some time to rest and recover!! We know everyone here wants to see new content, but your health always comes before your work! Anyways, i wish a speedy recovery! And even if it takes a long time, we will be here to support you and your current and future projects! I won't be able to play 0.7 since i don't have a PC, but i'm looking forward to see how this project develops. And once again, HEALTH IS ALWAYS YOUR FIRST PRIORITY!!! so make sure to recover well, wishing you the absolute best!

It's OK, dude! We're still here to support you. Looking forward to seeing this game be complete and available on mobile so i can finally play the new versions. And, most importantly, hope you get better soon! You do deserve some rest anyways!

Caralho, o caba tá avançado

That's... Not the real IShowSpeed, right?

He said on a different post that it will first come out for pc, then mobile


Adding to my previous comment, i would also like to make a suggestion! Specifically, while on the animations menu, it would be great if you could zoom in/out of animations to see them in more detail! I think it would heavily improve the gameplay on "those" moments where you just wanna have some "fun", y'know?

Hello! I'm planning on buying this game because i really like it, not only for the "content", if you know what i mean, but also for the gameplay which i found really interesting! However, i'm afraid that, if it updates after i purchase it, i won't have access to the new version... So, if i purchase the game, will i have to pay again for the new version or will i be able to get it for free? Thanks in advance!