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A member registered Feb 11, 2024

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(1 edit)

Sure, what exactly do you need? (If you just need device its Redmi Note 7)

Keeps crushing on mobile...

Can we get just links instead of patreon post? its just that Patreon is banned in my country. (LMAO)

Thanks! Now im official member of it! :D

Oh! You have? can i get link to it? Because i dont see it here (Only patreon)

It would also be cool if you could crouch under tables to hide, and if animatronic spotted you, they would either drag you from the table, or just roll it over (if table rolled over, it wont return to its place, leaving you without a place to hide)

Also, if Chica's AI havent been changed since previos update (haven't played new version cuz poopy laptop's performance reason) then i think it should be a little bit changed. Cuz when she runs to you, it feels like shes sliding like if floor were an ice

(1 edit)

Yes! Thats what i meant about discord with testers in it! Im pretty sure with big fanbase this game has, there should be some people who willing to volunteer for testing for Linux. Also i like the idea about controls, since gamepad/joystick were sometimes annoying (Shoot and interact especially). But its up to you to decide if thats good idea or not. I just can give suggestions as a player (At least thats how i think that should work lol)

question: I DONT have Linux, and never used it, and im just waiting for mobile version, but cant you just ask someone who you know with Linux if they can give you it or if they can test game? Or just create discord server with testers? Or Linux and Mac just have some issues with sharing files? Just curios.

P.S. Sorry for my English, im bad at explaining such complicated things:/

ye im not going to waste my nerves on removing viruses. thanks for showing m8

Guys i didnt played a game but someone please call an ambulance i swallowed water in a wrong way and im chocking i think im gonna die bye guys

Alright, so i see that upon starting people dont understand what to do, so here's little guide:

Your task is to find exit. How? Find a vent on a wall, it has red light, so you shouldnt have problem finding it. To climb on it you need a ladder. Where? While exporing a place you can find a locker. There's a ladder. And here you go! use ladder on vent (Point your cursor on it while having ladder) and u escaped. Congrats. 

That was explanation of Easy mode. I dont think that im gonna need to explain all puzzles, so goodluck!

Ladder is randomly generated. You can find it in lockers (it will always be here). Same goes for other puzzles and exit. If you cant find it you can always restart

Can someone explain to this guy what is "Im on observation Duty?" (it had tiny objects too man...)


okay, i'll trust u on that, but imma play browser, cuz thats really scared me

WHAT THE HELL?! I literally just got trojan on that thing. mind explaining?

Thanks for fast reply:D

i just created account just to ask a question lol.

....Will there be more entities?

also i must say that the game is pretty good, goodluck in future:D

here's some minor bugs: if you  touch any trap (wires) 2-5 second later after start of the round trap will not make any noise and wont lure monster, after that any trap during round will not work. bug dissapears after round ends (if you wont make it happen again)

also, when you spray a monster and go "inside her" (without clicking on her) you will get stuck inside her lol (and then she kills you :(  )