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A member registered Sep 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hello incredible jammers!

We are just 4 hours away from the end of the IGA Impact Jam! Our judges have rendered judgment and we have a top three winners. In addition, we're going to have a little fun, award some accolades to some of our favorite games, and give all attendees a cute lil gift. 

IMPORTANT PSA: If you do not attend tonight and we cannot find a way to contact you within 48 hours you will forsake any claims to prizes you earned. 

The live show starts tonight at 5pm EST / 2pm PST. The link to join via Zoom is below. You will need a Zoom account to authenticate your entry. These are free to create if you don't already have one.

See everyone tonight!

Time: 5pm EST / 2pm PST



Willem and the IGA Team

What a remarkably well done lil game!

Loved this. Excellently scoped game. Very full experience for such a limited time built. Also adorable

IGA Impact Jam has officially kicked off!

If you missed the Kickoff Event, you can check out the recording here.

Members of the jam will be making games that somehow positively impact the world. The secondary theme for this jam is: Neon

Submit your games here on Itch. WebGL is preferred (but not required)

There are two more live events coming up that we will email links to:

Submissions Close: Sunday the 13th at 2pm PST / 5pm EST

Public Showcase: Sunday the 13th at 2pm PST / 5pm EST

Closing Ceremony: Friday the 18th at 2pm PST / 5pm EST

Your criteria to win some munay!


Positive Impact

Market Viability

Relation to Secondary Theme

Schedule a call with your Headmaster:

Learn more about us:

Hello all!

We kickoff the IGA Impact Jam in just three days! I hope everyone is ready for goofy goodness and a whole heck of a lot of games! In order to attend the live Kickoff event where the theme will be announced, please follow the below Eventbrite link:

Jam support and community will happen inside our Discord server. Join here, if you haven't already:

Cheers to all!

See you Friday, Wizard

haha thanks. It really is quite interesting! I think you need more tutorialization and I ran into a bug where the text under the cypher dropdowns was invisible (or same color as dropdown?) but made it work. 

I got a score of -1060. Nailed it. 

Quite cute! Got a laugh out of me

Haha! Wow. Quite a lot to pack into 48 hours. Well done.

Overall I liked it. Very inventive and you nailed the theme. Plus that Title though. 

I did run into a bug where I got the very first piece of dialogue and the options for it again when I was looking at the illuminati pyramid. The whole ending was also a bit confusing for me!

Haha! That twist ending though.

Everyone, I think this is great work! I can see a really compelling narrative delivered through this medium you've created. I want to know more about this little boy, Gom Gom. And his family. With that, plus a little more variety in the puzzles and some polish, this could be so cool!

You've given me a great laugh! Such an original idea. Good job, everyone!

Gosh dernut you people killed it! This game delivered it all! I found myself hyperventilating when outrunning the guards a few times and I definitely laughed more than once. You really should all be proud of yourselves!

Interesting! See I literally didn't know that was because I died. I thought that was just the ending! lol

Well... that ending was certainly mysterious! Great work all!

Man I really think you guys are so close to something truly incredible. The first moment I was suddenly tiny and a big unique scene happened in front of me with a jeering narrator, I had to pause in shock! It was quite cool.

That being said I think this definitely deserves more work! Here is some feedback for the future:

 I think the maze needs to be more engaging. As it stands I have no idea where to go, and I mostly just wander randomly for a while until something happens. I think there needs to be a little more engagement. More for me to do. Perhaps hints of directions to go, or riddles, or just interesting pieces of art. 

The narrator needs work. I think there are brief moments where it really, really works and I love it. But mostly it becomes a sort of background noise. I think perhaps a little more responsive of a narrator, and probably a little briefer, would rock. 

I want lore. This is a personal preference. But what the hell happened here and where am I? The art is so impressive that I must know more about it. 

Great work all!

I was also mildly confused by the controls. I think I expected, like in platformers, that the arrow keys would be the primary way I move. Instead, it's the jumping that really matters, and the arrow keys perform a comparably  smaller role. This isn't bad, but I personally came in expecting something different. I bet some work on the tutorialization in the future could help!

It's really quite good overall. I think you should be proud!

What a fantastic example of keeping your scope small and doing it well

You got dis!

IT IS TIME! The Jam has begun! And the theme has been announced!

I actually told everyone the theme 2 weeks ago if you look at the jam page very closely...

That's right! The Theme of the Inaugural IGA Jam is: Super Secret and Super Mysterious

There will be another event, this time on Zoom (we had difficulties on Discord) on Sunday at 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET.  We will send the link Sunday AM. At that time, jam submissions close, and voting begins. You will also have the opportunity to pitch your game to all attendees at the event, if you desire!


Link to our Discord:

Link to the Kickoff Day Deck:

Oh no don't worry! Discord is NOT required! You can join us on Zoom for the next two events (Judgement Day and Closing Ceremony) and work outside of Discord.

The Theme is: Super Secret and Super Mysterious

hahaha! I wish you all the luck!

My name is Willem Delventhal and I'm the Headmaster of the Indie Game Academy! I'll be your host during this crazy fun journey!

Introduce yourself and your teams!

Hi ya'll! I heard about this game jam today and thought it was the coolest thing ever. I'm in California, so tonight was our Daylight savings. Even though I missed the event I wanted to make a game in the spirit of the jam. So below is a link to FeedFire. Enjoy!