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IKEA Meatballs

A member registered Jun 18, 2021

Recent community posts

We’re you able to figure out how to get both endings, and how were you able to get the 18+ scene?

Please tell me there is some way that Jerry doesn't die, I don't know why but that just hurt.

I tried experimenting and was like OoOoOoOoOo there's a dating option now.

OKAY, I'm going to say what I did, go to the tower first, make sure you tease Alex, then I just chose max's order and I said it was amazing. Then when you have the choice, of course choose ray, then accept his date, then for ice cream I first chose his order for the Ice cream, then at the end of the date he will give you the first scene, for the workout choose ray, then ride with ray to the forest, when taking a shower, let him stay, At the beach, say that's kinky, at the beach house say about breaking the door down, then just wait for ray to come back, AKA just fall asleep and wait, when changing, do it right Infront of him, okay for the part where you comment about getting naked, I chose refreshing but have no idea about kinky, I chose to run around a punch, then choose the option about everyone seeing Finn's ass, then you can choose any set really, I chose to ask about Kody btw, oh to experiment I chose kinky and now an option came up about max soooooo, Ima test different outcomes, i didn't do it, just don't self-center on choices, in the morning go to Alex's lab and then after tell him maybe Alex is in a bad mood, okay so when you do this tell me and tell me when you get to the gallery if you can see botch scenes because one is not showing up, also sorry I took so long i had finals.

Anyone know what max's gallery image is 

Do you still need help with the Ray moments?

Okay so I'm kind of new to this vn, is there a Sydney CG, if so, what am I missing?

Ok, thanks for telling me bye bye david

Think there will ever be a david route?

Ok can someone what routes there are, i just want to know the people 

So it happens in almost all the same ones, but when the lights go out in day 2, it happens there as wel

 Anyone know how to fix this?

Did you get the Rauden one?

Oh, that sucks, sorry to hear that.

How are you feeling today Drakes?

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Ok IKEA Meatballs to the rescue, for this route, support him in everything and try not to be overly jealous, even let him have the idea of stripping naked, also, when you are exploring the house, don't snoop in his drawer or in his closet, your welcome.

Is there any way I don't gaslight mark in Ander's route?

Is there a way that I can make my spirit burn bright enough to create the embers in Max's scene

For Day 7 of Lars, on the beach when we say Are you saying we can be lovebirds behind you, right after when lars goes into blush panic, his blush is misplaced, just thought I would inform you.

Yeah, so there are people who understand things in plain sight, then there's me, I don't understand things like that, but know I understand so thank you guys.

Okay, why the hell was that the password, that was so random I kept overlooking it, but thank you for the hint of fantasy :)


I just suck at this point

OMG What am I doing wronggggg??????

I'm about to try soon, had do get my homework done.

Is it related to those words?

Okay so I tried both words of Monster and Feral and Thanatos said that I was close, this is so cunfusinggggg.

Okay and do they both say the specific word or is it hinting to a word to describe them?

I HATE to ask but because I'm stupid, I'm having trouble with the day 17 password.

Where is it?

Yeah I'm stupid and was like oh, I find out all these hardish codes and this one was right here in front of me

Can someone help me, is there a code for the vault on day 11 of Tyson's route.

Well what day are you on and if you have problems I can help

Okay so I need serious help, how do I get Shoichi Route A, someone help me and quick!!!

When is he lying down or exactly what day is it?


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When he asks you not to snoop should I just skip everything when going into his room

Ok so basically on day 29 I always finish and get the bad ending, even though it's not doneeeeee, I try to be nice, and I really reject most of his advances, I act jealous like none of the time and i'm so confused.

Okay so I think I am doing thigs very wrong and am very confused 1.) I keep getting the bad ending for Darius and have zero clue why.2.) I think I have done almost everything in my power to get the perfect ending with spencer, but it never happens.

Please someone save me

Okay so I tried it again and for some reason I did not get the perfect route, I'm so confused, save meeeeeeeee.

OMG Thank you so much