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Peter Pavlík

A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Velmi sa mi paci umelecke spracovanie a chvalim skvely humor v dialogoch.

Cool koncept, prevedenie a je to aj trosku na zamyslenie. Velmi pekne :)

Pekne urobene, aj my sme pocas brainstormingu uvazovali nad konceptom hry v Google Slides, ale nakoniec sme sa vydali klasickou cestou :)

Velmi sa mi paci ten gameplay, jednoduche a chytlave :)

Maskot nasej hry v skutocnosti :)

Ako sme kreslili a "skenovali" art do hry.

Ovladanie je dost matuce, A a D funguju opacne ako by som cakal. Inak ale cool :)

Definitely one of my favourites!

One suggestion I have is to rearrange the layout a bit to arrive at the moon scene first, I think most people turn right at first and don't know what to do.

Naša hra je založená na tvrdeniach istého prezidenta USA o tom, že jeho protikandidát chce sfalšovať voľby. Vy sa chopíte role skorumpovaného sčítača hlasov, ktorý musí zabezpečiť, že jeho kandidát vyhrá.


Hello young Vote-counter,

thank you so much for volunteering to help count all the ballot votes. As you are surely aware, the supreme leader Ronald Dump is taking over the country once again and it is in our hands to save this country. We must help our lizard savior Johny Buythem to get more then 50% votes to become the supreme leader! Count all his votes, and destroy all Dump ones. We are COUNTING on you! And beware of the cunning Eagle!