oooh I love your writing style already, it's gorgeous. Definitely looking forward to updates ❤️
Recent community posts
Stayed up real late to play this, fell asleep and after I woke up, I proceeded to rant about this game to 3+ people (in a very positive manner ofc).
You did a fantastic job with the flow of the story, also, the balance of going aww at Sans while being terrified was perfect. Oooh, and I adored the father/child relationship between Dr. Gastor and MC ❤️
The bonuses too...hmm! 👌🏻✨ The POV when we're unconscious at the end, I mean, WHAT A FREAKING GOLDEN CHERRY ON TOP!
Overall, I absolutely loved it
(Btw, I don't think I've ever played a game where a single choice meant the difference between romance and death cuz I think I died like 3 times lol 😅)
Just binged through it and wow! Absolutely loved it, especially the banter between Callen & Sonia
(the scene where Callen puts on his armour and does a jig made me crack up real hard lmao)
And the innocent budding crush between mc and Sam is just adorable 🥰
Definitely looking forward to updates, as I desperately need to know what happens next!
Damn. I freaking loved this. The level of detail in the world building, the easy-flowing dynamics between the different personalities and dialogue, the puzzle pieces slowly falling in place, just everything is freaking fantastic.
I definitely enjoyed the friendly banter between everyone, all the playful jabs and teasing. Can't forget the masterfully crafted insults that weren't so friendly 😂 Super satisfying reminding the nobles their place.
And oh, romancing Xelef was so ✨ The bold flirtation mixed with secrets from each side, the eventual vulnerability with each other, ahfifkjd ❤️
I think I'm too used to relying on more detailed stats regarding politics and the different groups' opinions, so I kinda felt like I was flying a tad blind, but that just made my decisions have more weight to them.
I cannot wait to see what happens next, both story and romance wise. Now I just need to do more replays so I can try romancing the others.