Trying to keep it short
10/10 played a lot of Vns and its just very good im a simp for owen and reggie.
Hope there is gonna be a route at some point nothing better than a chubby especially a bear/panda hehe
Keep it up:)
In general really good vn so far.
For me personally the best looking protagonist ive seen. Yes i love chubby guys. Its says foxy protagonist tho i think he looks more like a racoon. But i really love how he looks :)
And please for the love of ... give dave a route i need it ! :D
Well i think there is a good amount of people which would like that too. He is soooo sweet and also handsome ^^.
Keep it up :)
im so glad that there was a scene with logan and i dont know if its the standard route to break up with tai and do some hot stuff with logan???
But he is just 100% my type same as diego cause they are both bigger/chubby ^^ but logan is so shy and submissive i love it i hope u can continue with him somhow in that route.
Keep up the amazing work!
Ive player a lot of VN's and i gotta say i love it . Lovly music CG's and art style.
As i love chubs Kegar is my boy i love his character and wouldnt mind him with some more fat, Haha. the hug made me consider going to patreon and support you which im definetly gonna do the end of the month .
keep up the good work :)
Ill try to cut it short in of the best if not the best VN out there. As i love Chubs Diego looks perfect.
Amazing Art Style
Unique charcters
Amazing soundtracks
Nice CG's and sex scenes ^^
A wonderful story
Just 10/10 the story cominded with the soundtracks and diegos expressions make my heart melt. I hope u keep it as it is. Sileo brings me so much joy thanks for that :)