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A member registered Oct 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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Trying to keep it short

10/10 played a lot of Vns and its just very good im a simp for owen and reggie.

Hope there is gonna be a route at some point nothing better than a chubby especially a bear/panda hehe

Keep it up:)

If owens sprite is gonna look like in the thumbnail? Im gonna melt. Looka so good 🤩

In general really good vn so far.

For me personally the best looking protagonist ive seen. Yes i love chubby guys. Its says foxy protagonist tho i think he looks more like a racoon. But i really love how he looks :)

And please for the love of ... give dave a route i need it ! :D 

Well i think there is a good amount of people which would like that too. He is soooo sweet and also handsome ^^.

Keep it up :)

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Skjold route please 🤯

Oh and ofc enjoyed the new update ^^

^^^^^^^^^^^^(dont have to say more)

Plus dwayne cause like them chub and thick boys and spencer cause is he is f***ing cute and has a really fitting personality. Btw this game is easy one of the best VN's out there. First vn i played and it got so far . <3


Is there a english android version? Or just windows

for exapmle 

Whatever type of character but make a chubby one ^^

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Cant wait for more i think its really interesting u put things like suicide and kinda bad stuff in there. And i really like owen since he is so shy and looks chubby ^^ (i hope he is) 

Keep it up :)

And if u dont have a discord u should make one :)

I havent played the game for the past 9 months or so. Can u have romance with the guy on the right site ?^^ that chunky one

Are there sex scenes in this game ?^^

is logan a route tho or is "adrian" able to have a relationship with logan?

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im so glad that there was a scene with logan and i dont know if its the standard route to break up with tai and do some hot stuff with logan??? 

But he is just 100% my type same as diego cause they are both bigger/chubby ^^ but logan is so shy and submissive i love it i hope u can continue with him somhow in that route.

Keep up the amazing work!

not for that :) you are gonna get more patreons im pretty sure about that ^^

Ive player a lot of VN's and i gotta say i love it .  Lovly music CG's and art style.  

As i love chubs Kegar is my boy i love his character and wouldnt mind him with some more fat, Haha. the hug made me consider going to patreon and support you which im definetly gonna do the end of the month .

keep up the good work :) 

u are welcome :)

get joiplay in the appstore there u can play renpy games. Just dowmload the pc version and add it in joiplay :)

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Ill try to cut it short in of the best if not the best VN out there. As i love Chubs Diego looks perfect. 

Amazing Art Style 

Unique charcters

Amazing soundtracks 

Nice CG's and sex scenes ^^

A wonderful story 

Just 10/10 the story cominded with the soundtracks and diegos expressions make my heart melt. I hope u keep it as it is. Sileo brings me so much joy thanks for that :)

It has a discord server ;)

are u sure its finished i think they are severel routes not completed. 
Or did i miss out on something i played both versions

this vn looks really interesting tho i kinda wanna ask will there be a chubby/fat/thick character to date ^.^?

i have played alot of VN´s and i gotta say im really excited for new updates
Really awesome piece of art :) 
and i love that diego got a big belly :P

Can somone help me im having trouble installing it on android i have to extract the game but i cant find it anywehre

What about jonah ;(

does it contain nsfw - content ? ^^

btw saddle u should open a discord for this game connects people and its a way to advertise this vn :)

NW the content is still super good cant wait :)

Well i played a lot of furry related VN's and finally there is a new one with good and enough content. Im really looking forward for new updates . GJ :)

Also will there be nsfw content / relationships?

ok so i just played it :)
im really exctited about the future updates ! 
keep up the good work and i´d suggest making a discord server ;)

havent played it yet tho the drawing looks nice 
ill hop into it soon :)

wasnt this game once on itch ?  and how much play time is there so far ? ^^ 


could be just me but i think the discord server is bugged i cant enter 

Oh and i think u should creat a discord server easier to connect people and probably report bugs and errors as well :)

nice :)

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already can tell by the design of your art im gonna like
didnt play it yet but i definetly will
(also if u could some kinda of a morikata character u got a safe patreon ^^)
hope u will have success :)
and btw is there no Sound or Fullscreen options?

i got a question how can u get access to the patreon verson?
i am a patreon since today :) so how do i get the patreon download for phone for example ? just log in to patreon and download it there ?

i think there is no way yet as u cant do quest for Thane