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A member registered Apr 01, 2024 · View creator page →

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I love how you have all the music and all the background that's very related to the story of each scene. Very good story telling and route selection as well!

This game is just great, I did not expect there's that much content in the game until I kept playing and trying different route. Great work on the sound effect and all the work you put into, it's a great game!

The story is so interesting LOL, the first time I choose the gamble option, and actually won it, but the lost all the money to the hospital because of a backflip LOL, that really got me to laugh, nice images used in the background, and great story :D

I have to say the concept is really interesting, I like how you allow user to customize the color of the game then suddenly go in and take a look around. This is definitely one of the very unique project I've seen, good game :D!

I really like how to use those pictures as background, it makes the storytelling better and more interesting. And I like how you use the randomizer to get different gumballs lol, really interesting game

Nice game lol, I like the creativity you made in this game, the art style is nice and I like how you added some sound to get the game well together.

Even tho I know other people have said this already, the art style of this game is just fantastic. Especially how you combine it with the story telling, it just feels like everything mixes well together.

It's an interesting game, I like the narrative of the game. As the random die gets you the different outcome is interesting. When I rolled 6 I thought it must be something great but it turns out the fly instantly dies lol, kinda caught me off guard.

This game is really unique from my experience compared to other games, I really enjoy the typewriting sound whenever I interact. I was kind of confused by the instruction at first, but after reading the description, it does become enjoyable, and I'm glad you made a scoreboard at the end, definitely a joy:D!

Really interesting game, I really like the font of the game. The visual of the game combined with the sound it’s really nice. And I like how you set a timer in game so if player doesn’t respond fast enough then the patient will die lol.

Same here when I was playing the game. I wonder how he does the typing sound and set the typing visual when text appear slowly to guide the reader.

Same here lol, I clicked touch grass section as much as possible, it was definitely an interesting experience. And the part creating a cube just pops out more object than I expected was interesting.

I really enjoyed how you pace the storyline by slowing down user’s reading process. And the part of the storyline that make you feel interesting is definitely when you reach the end, the story gets more emotional and you can reroll character’s stats after reborn

That was a fun and interesting storyline lol. As someone that lived there that setting off the fire alarm midnight was freaking great hahaha. And I like how you had some hidden storyline within the game, great story.

This game has a great visual design, and I like that author had a sense of humor lol. The choices itself for weapon is great, and golem dance is nice lmao

(1 edit)

The game has a really nice and interesting art style and it fits the UI’s perfectly lol. And I like your sense of humor lol, the story were also really nice, made me laugh when I saw how I say the drawing was good then the man runs away in tear, really nice game.

The style of the game and how the text appear slowly in order is really interesting, it doesn’t overwhelm audience with text but allow them to read it through at a good pace. The story choices were also designed depending on audience’s choice and it seeems like there’s lots of choices.

The game is extremely well designed in terms of its lighting control and how it guides user to a direction. It’s really visually appealing and giving player a really interesting psychological effect.

Game had a really crappy sound with its story, every item’s name sound normal but the description sounds very weird and creepy. And I really like the UI, really well designed.

The game has a great and interesting tutorial by letting user read through the story and learn how to control the game. And I like how detailed the story portrays the character.