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A member registered Jun 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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It wont let me move the camera. It's still playable and fun though! 

IDK Why it did that I didn't change anything.

I couldn't zoom out even when I tried what you said yesterday.

Thanks! The game was really rushed so I'm surprised I came up with a unique game concept.

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Me failing Level 2 XD

Great Game Tho

Thanks! I kinda forgot about the jam so I kinda rushed it.

Thanks for the reply. I'll try to improve the gameplay.

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Thanks for the idea. I'll try to do that.

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Nice game. Really well made, and the graphics and animations are great!

It could be a very well performing Steam Game If you keep working on it and adding updates. Maybe a tutorial could make the game easier to understand, as I had to play a whole round to understand how to play.

I can't see anything, because everything but the skybox is magenta.