Hello raft developer, I was playing your game for about 5 hours (I love it by the way), and had gotten myself a pretty large base, had soo many items that I had to have 4 chests for wood, 4 for scraps, 4 for rope, 4 for thatch, and 4 for food (I have diagnosed OCD, that is why I know)(and also there were more chests for palm seeds and coconuts). I had built myself such a great raft and killed dozens of sharks, but I had to get off to go to bed, and I saved and went to the home screen, but as I was watching the camera rotate around that base, (my mind likes to be occupied) I thought of a great idea to put walls around the pillars to make it look good (and because I was wanting to use my materials so I didn't have to make even more chests) and as I loaded back in I noticed something, ALL of my chests were empty. Now I know it is an early access game and all, but it was gut wrenching, 5 hours of gathering materials just for it to all just disappear? now, if you could fix that in you next update, I will 100% play this again, I might even pay for it it is that good, I absolutely loved it, I don't know how you are going to add more items, but you were the one who thought of this awesome concept, I am pretty sure you can think of something AWESOME!!!
A member registered Jan 06, 2017