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A member registered Dec 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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I really like the look of the game, though unfortunately I couldn't fully play the game as I was unable to jump-dash and slide, the controls only worked every now and then so I couldn't go very far in the game and the controls were very arbitrary.

(2 edits)

Sorry, I really should be used to just posting the error log.


Error Log:

warning CollisionDispatcher.needsCollision: static-static collision!
Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Could not find .wav or .mp3 or .ogg in bdx/audio/music/
    at com.solarlune.gearend.Sounds.playMusic(
    at com.solarlune.gearend.Sounds.playMusic(
    at com.solarlune.gearend.player.core.CoreMusic.update(
    at com.solarlune.gearend.player.Player.main(
    at com.nilunder.bdx.Scene.runObjectLogic(
    at com.nilunder.bdx.Scene.update(
    at com.nilunder.bdx.Bdx.main(
    at com.solarlune.gearend.BdxApp.render(
    at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication.mainLoop(
    at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication$

It's apparently missing the music files...

I think it broke again...

(3 edits)

So basically while Eps is skating, if he enters a door while still skating, he'll continue sliding past the door before disappearing. This only works if he enters the door before or at the middle point of the door while skating with the Shears Legs.

I'm not sure if that's intentional, but I found it weird if he were to enter a room while a whole door's length away from the actual door.

This may or may not be a nitpick.

Ah, cheers mate! I can play again!

(2 edits)

Hey Sol! This took like 5 mins, I figured that the Gearend32.bat file allows a command prompt window to show the output, so I continually opened it, and as it closed, I took a screenshot.

I think I got it...

(2 edits)

I opened the err.log file and that was it, unfortunately.

Heres the out.log: (Also just as short...)

Controllers: removed manager for application, 0 managers active

I have a feeling it only shows this much because it closes as soon it pops up and doesn't allow it to write it to the log files because it's so fast? Its weird.

I'm on a 64x, Windows 10 machine. (Just so you know, might help?)

Heh, another crash bug. It crashes on load up.

Crash Log:

warning CollisionDispatcher.needsCollision: static-static collision!

Here's the Error Log:

warning CollisionDispatcher.needsCollision: static-static collision!

Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Could not find WeNeedYou.wav or WeNeedYou.mp3 or WeNeedYou.ogg in bdx/audio/music/





at com.solarlune.gearend.Sounds.playMusic(

at com.solarlune.gearend.Sounds.playMusic(

at com.solarlune.gearend.system.SysCon.setViewedRoom(

at com.solarlune.gearend.player.Player.main(

at com.nilunder.bdx.Scene.runObjectLogic(

at com.nilunder.bdx.Scene.update(

at com.nilunder.bdx.Bdx.main(

at com.solarlune.gearend.BdxApp.render(

at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication.mainLoop(

at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication$

Seems to be a missing audio file???

(1 edit)

Oops haha, I should've started off with that.

Error Log:

Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" java.lang.RuntimeException: Shader compilation error in ScreenShader at:

WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing

WARNING: 0:35: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20

ERROR: 0:36: 'rgb2hsv' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion)

ERROR: 0:36: 'rgb2hsv' : function is not known

ERROR: 0:36: 'b' : vector field selection out of range

WARNING: 0:36: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20

WARNING: 0:36: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20

< Vertex Shader >


< Fragment Shader >






at com.solarlune.gearend.system.SysCon.init(

at com.nilunder.bdx.Scene.initGameObject(

at com.nilunder.bdx.Scene.init(

at com.nilunder.bdx.Bdx$ArrayListScenes.add(

at com.nilunder.bdx.Bdx$ArrayListScenes.add(

at com.solarlune.gearend.system.SysCon.setGameScene(

at com.solarlune.gearend.system.SysCon.loadGame(

at com.solarlune.gearend.system.mainmenu.MainMenuCursor.main(

at com.nilunder.bdx.Scene.runObjectLogic(

at com.nilunder.bdx.Scene.update(

at com.nilunder.bdx.Bdx.main(

at com.solarlune.gearend.BdxApp.render(

at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication.mainLoop(

at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication$

I'm on 64x Windows 10 HP Laptop and I have an Intergrated Graphics Card (Intel(R) HD Graphics 620).

Another bug that crashes the game. If I have "scan lines" turned on and I play, the game just crashes.

(1 edit)

Hi Solarlune! Another bug, I found that upon entering the "Research Facility" it crashes the game.

This also works with "Electronic Efficiency Upgrade Capacitors".

(4 edits)

This is kinda game-breaking, I have found a way of getting infinite health. I think it has to do with the way the game resets a certain area after saving and reloading.

1. Get a Defence Upgrade Chip

2. Save

3. Restart Game

4. Go to the same place and the chip will have respawned.

I have tested it at the place near the starting area and at the Reasearch Facility Hub, working in both places.

I have tried that as well and can confirm that this also happens to me.

I figured out the main controls, but yeah, the "rebind input" button still crashes my game.

Hey Sol! So I am kinda stuck, the main problem here is that I am unable to rebind my inputs and that I have no idea what the default input keys are...

So whenever I go and press the "rebind inputs" button, the game crashes, I'm also not sure whether it's just a placeholder or it's a real bug.

Thanks Solarlune.