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Immoral Studios

A member registered Nov 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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nope, not yet - it's on patreon that is linked in our game page :)
I do plan to release it on itch and Steam at one point, but I need to fix the issues with saves first :( but Patrons will always get the new content faster (a few months ahead)

it's in the game in the full version :)

To help you id need to take a look at your save, which you can share on the discord :)

will fix it in the next version :) for now the only solution would be to start a new game and progress Molly before Lucy

yes, I'm planning to do some optional pegging for player's choice, but that's pretty far down the line now :)

hmmm, you should be able to progress up to 55 - but it will be very hard to find the cause without getting my hands on your save :( you'd need to hop on our discord

hmmm! What is her max love for you now?

her guide isn't in the game yet :)

Its on the campus :)

We hope to start adding more scenes, but that requires a higher budget :(

is that on 0.9.1 version? We have fixed this issue in this update (the error happened on 0.9.0) please see if you're on the new one! :)

unfortunately, due to many bugs occurring because of the save system, I had to modify it a lot and the saves are no longer compatible with the previous versions. To make it worse, I'm not sure when will they be compatible again cause I'm still working on it :( but the bugs were so problematic it had to be done for the greater good of the games future

Ummm, can't say - works for me, so perhaps its something related with your PC? :o

which version are you trying to download?

hi Raven!

Yup, I'm planning to release on itch/steam/gog, just hoping to fix some issues before I make that step :)

(Like those pesky little fkn saves lol)

Not fixable for sure, and i am currently gathering all the bug reports to get to fixing :) eh, the beauty of doing everything in a pocket sized team... ;___;

Thank you! <3

(1 edit)

unfortunately, I'm still trying to fix the save framework and I've done a HUGE overwork of that whole system, which makes it incompatible :( The previous save system was very buggy so I had to prioritize getting it all cleaned up

I'll start working on translations when I finally fix the save system :')

when you go to the vr club, when you click on the location name in the top right, there should be a list of sublocations to choose from :)

Absolutely love the vibe of this project, fingers crossed for a fellow creator! You have my follow & rating :)

you should be able to improve it in the post apo location in vr :)

that's the goal, yes! But sometimes on implementation level I may mix things up cause of being tired, hahaha


Yeah, it sounds about right! I may have mixed something when I was patching the bug :< I need to automate the differences between patreon and public version but didn't have much time to do it cause I'm swamped with my regular job :/

(1 edit)

I guess you mean static - yes, some of the sex scenes are animated but most are static due to budget limitations. We must grow a little more before I can afford animations again :)

? Sex scenes aren't AI

I'd love to hire a dedicated background artist, but currently the patreon isn't enough to fund the current state of the game :( There are some more popular titles with much bigger patreon and if Loverse ever grow into such size I will definitely search for specialized artists! I just had to make this decision to actually start the project, else there would be no game at all :(

Must be a human error while coding :) thanks for the report, ill look into it!

Thanks! How about now?

Hi friendo! Sadly I have no clue how to help, nobody else have reported such issue and it didn't happen to me neither :(

great, thanks! We try to fix these bugs but it's hard to find without reports haha

hard to say, she does show up for me! :) best if is if you could hop on discord and share your save file with us, else I won't be able to fix/advise on the issue

? There's a guide built in :) Or well, a hint system

soon :)

go to the dumpling restaurant in the morning :)

You don't use it, you just buy it and it will unlock an event where it will be required :)

that's probably cause of the onlyfans and fansly links we have put for the creators we have cooperated with :) like CottontailVA

Hop on discord so I can look into the bug! :) happy you're enjoying the game so far!