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Imperial Game

A member registered May 23, 2023 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Hello dear user , 

it's a external link due of the size of the game (1.7Gb) .it's can't be upload directly in because its limited to 1Gb per file that mean the game was to big for the site . the external link brought to drive that safe its from google .

I hope i help you with you're fear of external ink ;)


Imperiale Games

hey , 

i want to know how to edit rpy file with you're tool .

thank for reply fast 

sincerely , Imperial Game

hello you're game is really good but a main menu may be better for the game 👍


that can really help me thx ^^

too much laggy bro

Ok , if you have problems with the translation in French I can help you ^^ (but if you won't there is no problem)

hello , I want to know if in the futur the game gonna be translate in other language like french or german 

hello,i want to know if the game gonna be translate in other language (ex:french,german...)

i didn't play yet but there is a traduction in different language ?

i do all of the quest but i'm stuck i can't play the music

hello i play you're game its was cool but a little buggy when a finish a batle with serena  i got this error and if a click ignore i get 0$

then now i gonna try to fix it and i gonna reply myselfe if i fix it or not. btw i know to create a game it dificult so i can't judge .