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A member registered 56 days ago

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Really good! Surprisingly deep story, lots of things to make you theorize and question what's going on, good scares, good looking environments.

One game breaking bug I found: In the beginning when exiting the restroom as John (in the precinct), Opening the door clipped me through the wall and I was forced to restart. Also idk if there is meant to be a menu, but ESC wouldn't pull one up, so had to force close the game to restart.

Another small note: Some of the timings on the computer interactions could be a little smoother, they were just long enough in some cases to make me feel like it was not working or I was doing something wrong.

That being said though this was still great and worth anyone's time who is into this genre! 

*mild spoiler warning*

Another excellent chapter. This chapter focuses heavily on the world of Julia Was Alone, providing context and back story for the eerie situation we find ourselves in. It also gives us new info, things to theorize over about what's coming next (Like why exactly we befriended a rat on the way to find the messiah perhaps?). 

Perfect way to tie up loose ends and provide direction for the story heading into Chapter 4. Great work!

Highly Recommend this series :)

Fun game!

Simple mechanics, an eerie, dark industrious environment. Multiple Endings and SECRETS to be found! Fun back story and Dialog via the in game notes.. Great experience! 

Oh wow thanks so much! Keep up the great work!

I LOVE this game.

I was really interested in Chapter 1, and eager to see where the story would go. Chapter 2 provides us with an incredibly lore dense experience, and put a lot of pieces together in this world, whilst simultaneously creating new questions to be answered.

Excited for chapter 3! I'm hooked :)

Excellent Dialog, World building, Sound design, everything. Start to finish I was so enamored.. simple but beautiful. Excited for Chapter 2!