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A member registered 61 days ago

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Oh well that is  good to hear! I have joined the discord server aswell.

(1 edit)

okay so i just wanted to say a thing about foxy.

she is incredibly unbalanced on higher difficulties. she doesn't get cam stalled now this wouldnt be to mutch of an issue if she didn't also drain 5% of your power everytime she hits your door. this makes some combinations of animatronics (and the all max) completely unwinnable becease she just takes so mutch power, i would like to add that having mangle, bonnie, chica and puppet already makes power a huge issue so if you add foxy theres no reason to play becease you will die to power outage.

what could fix this problem? either remove the power drain or add cam stalling becease i can see nights 5 and 6 beeing either hellish depending on AI values or completly impossible if it stays like it is currently.

for the rest however this game is great and i hope to see it become even greater!

have a good day and sorry for this very long comment.

typo in the title sorry.

Hi there im just quickly going to go over one of the animatronics when they're at a high difficulty.

foxy is incredibly unbalanced on high difficulties becease she is unable to be cam stalled, but honestly if this was the only problem i wouldnt be commenting. its the power drain thats the problem. as we know foxy drains 5% power every time she hits the door and agian becease she cant be stalled by going into the cams will get you killed very quickly. not only this but if you arent a power conserving god bonnie, chica, mangle puppet on max can already kill you due to power drain meaning if you put foxy in the mix you might aswell not play. in other words what im saying is either add cam stalling or remove the power drain (the first option would still make the game very difficult) becease otherwise difficulties above like 10 wouldnt even be possible. 

anyways great game for the rest and i cant wait to see this game become even greater!

please have a good day.