Release 0.2.0 - Lizards and Spocks, Rocks!
Game Summary: In short, the game is an idle version of Paper Scissor Rock. You earn points from idly playing games and spend the points to increase your earning power and unlock new tech! The game has multiple levels (up to 5 options) that are now fully playable!
Also, join my discord for more interactive feedback and discussion (this is a shared discord from an earlier game).
See the full patch notes below:
-Wells have been removed. Oh well.
- Prestige 1 & 2 game options changed to Big bang rules (Paper, Scissor, Rock, Lizard, Spock).
- Prestige 1 & 2 upgrades added (Lizard/Spock).
- Added the ability to customize selection of game options.
- Rebalancing of costs/values of most upgrades.
- Mulligans are not consumed if you do not have an active streak.
- Ties extending streak are now multiple upgrades increasing the percent base streak increment earned.
- Added game rules in settings menu. Displays W/L/T between game options.
- Upgrades now spill over sideways when page is large enough.
- Clarified win streak multiplier upgrade is cumulative in tooltip/text.
- Stats are hidden if not unlocked via prestige.
- Added points per second stat.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed W/L/T was tagged incorrectly.
- Fixed stats tripometer.
- Fixed bug where selected option would change to rock for no apparent reason.